Gosip Selebritis Terbaru Indonesia Artis Indonesia
Rina Diana Cuek Pakai Bikini
Aktris pendatang baru Rina Diana menolak untuk tampil buka-bukaan di depan kamera. Namun, Rina tidak masalah jika sekadar memakai bikini.
Rina melakoni debut aktingnya di layar lebar lewat film garapan Rako Prijanto, 'Domino'. Di film tersebut, ia berperan sebagai perempuan yang melarikan diri dari rencana pernikahannya.
"Dia kabur dari dari rencana pernikahannya dan nggak mau nikah dari karakter yang diperanin Gary," ujar Rina yang sebelumnya tampil di sinetron komedi 'Mariam Mikrolet' saat ditemui di Luv Bar, Sudirman City Walk, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (27/1/2011).
Sama seperti kebanyakan artis pendatang baru, dara berusia 19 tahun itu pasti mendapat tawaran untuk melakukan adegan-adegan yang sedikit vulgar. Rina mengaku tidak masalah asal ada batasannya.
"Kalau disuruh buka-bukaan nggak mau. Tapi kalau misalnya pakai bikini ya nggak apa-apa," ucapnya.
Adegan ciuman juga tak jadi masalah bagi Rina. Menurutnya, adegan ciuman masih dalam tahap yang wajar.
"Kalau ciuman kenapa nggak," kata Rina yang lahir pada 8 Mei 1992.
Namun, Rina mengungkapkan dirinya selalu berkonsultasi dengan kedua orangtuanya sebelum menerima tawaran film. Sampai saat ini, Rina selalu mendapat dukungan.
"Di sini kan aku beradegan pakai bikini. Kata bokap sih terserah kamu, kalau karier maju ya silakan. Yang pasti jangan mempermalukan keluarga," pungkasnya.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Becak Tariff in Indonesia
If you come to Indonesia and wanna feel using becak as an accomodation, you have to know what price you have to pay. Usualy, becak transport cost about $1-$1.5/kilometer. It depend on the track. Since powered by muscle, flat track and incline track result on different amount of food the becak's driver consume. The driver also consider your weight. Kid pay less, sumo's probably pay double or forbiden.
Don't forget about muscle engine, since they are all men, sexy - pretty girl pay less also, or probably free (if i was the driver, for instance ^_^).
Ok, boys n girl. Welcome to Indonesia.
Don't forget about muscle engine, since they are all men, sexy - pretty girl pay less also, or probably free (if i was the driver, for instance ^_^).
Ok, boys n girl. Welcome to Indonesia.
Jessica Biel was discovered in leopard bikini
Jessica Biel was discovered in leopard bikini on the beach in Hawaii earlier this month. sHe also participated in diving and other water sports.
I have to say before even after all these years, and it shows in the device.
Ariel Divonis 3,5 Tahun Penjara
Vonis Sidang Ariel Peterpan, Gosip Terbaru dan artis terkini, Ariel divonis menjalani hukuman penjara selama 3,5 tahun dan denda Rp250 juta oleh Pengadilan Negeri Bandung.
Kekasih Luna Maya itu terbukti bersalah melakukan tindak pidana memberikan kesempatan bagi orang lain untuk menyebarkan pornografi.
Hukuman ini 1,5 tahun lebih ringan yang dari tuntutan JPU yang meminta Ariel dihukum lima tahun penjara dan denda Rp250 juta.
Usai sidang, massa yang tak puas dengan putusan hakim langsung mencari keberadaan Ariel. Namun mereka gagal lantaran Ariel keburu dievakuasi melalui pintu samping pengadilan.
Kericuhan juga terjadi ketika massa anti Ariel melempari mobil milik Pemuda Pancasila yang selama ini mengawal Ariel menjalani persidangan.
Kekasih Luna Maya itu terbukti bersalah melakukan tindak pidana memberikan kesempatan bagi orang lain untuk menyebarkan pornografi.
Hukuman ini 1,5 tahun lebih ringan yang dari tuntutan JPU yang meminta Ariel dihukum lima tahun penjara dan denda Rp250 juta.
Usai sidang, massa yang tak puas dengan putusan hakim langsung mencari keberadaan Ariel. Namun mereka gagal lantaran Ariel keburu dievakuasi melalui pintu samping pengadilan.
Kericuhan juga terjadi ketika massa anti Ariel melempari mobil milik Pemuda Pancasila yang selama ini mengawal Ariel menjalani persidangan.
Ramalan Bintang Tanggal 31 Januari - 6 Februari 2011
Ramalan Bintang Tanggal 31 Januari sampai 1 2 3 4 5 6 Febuari 2011 Terbaru Minggu INi
Ramalan Zodiak minggu ini - untuk anda tertarik membaca ramalan bintang untuk minggu ini.AQUARIUS (20 Januari-18 Februari)
Umum: Suka cita Anda seperti wabah yang menjangkiti orang-orang sekitar. Apa pun yang Anda katakan akan didengar semua orang. Anda menjadi sangat humanis dan memiliki jiwa bebas untuk bergaul dengan siapa saja, tanpa ada batas. Persoalannya, Anda membutuhkan begitu banyak uang.
Cinta: Cinta Anda sepertinya sangat berlimpah bagi siapa saja. Namun Anda bisa menilai sendiri mana yang harus diprioritaskan. Hati-hati dengan kemurahan hati Anda karena bisa disalahartikan orang lain.
ARIES (21 Maret-19 April)
Umum: Dukungan dan bantuan sangat Anda butuhkan awal pekan ini. Seorang teman yang selalu siap dan ikhlas hati akan membantu Anda. Keberuntungan rupanya belum berpihak pada Anda. Jangan frustasi. Menjelang akhir pekan akan ada kejutan yang menyenangkan.
Cinta: Anda harus menjadi inisiator dalam urusan cinta. Jangan biarkan masalah menggerogoti hubungan Anda berdua. Suatu perubahan besar dan sangat romantis akan terjadi. Jangan pasif atau menunggu.
TAURUS (20 April-20 Mei)
Umum: Situasi di sekeliling Anda terasa asing, meskipun tidak banyak hal yang berubah. Jangan habiskan energi untuk memikirkan keanehan seperti ini. Cara terbaik adalah dengar nasihat teman. Bukan kebiasaan untuk tergesa-gesa atau gelisah berlebihan. Cobalah tarik napas dan tenangkan diri.
Cinta: Suatu undangan makan malam atau mengajaknya masuk ke dalam suasana romantis akan menjadi tiket Anda untuk menuju hubungan yang lebih romantis. Saat yang paling tepat adalah setelah pertengahan pekan ini.
GEMINI (21 Mei-21 Juni)
Umum: Jangan keukeuh pada pendapat dan pendirian sendiri yang ekstrem. Cobalah membuka diri dan mau mendengar orang lain. Seseorang akan sangat memengaruhi Anda sehingga suatu perubahan yang sangat besar akan terjadi dalam hidup Anda. Fokuslah pada hal yang selama ini tidak jelas.
Cinta: Perubahan pada diri Anda sebaiknya disosialisasikan, terutama kepada kekasih. Saran dan nasihat teman sangat penting terutama ketika dia agak bingung karena sikap dan perubahan pada diri Anda.
CANCER (22 Juni-22 Juli)
Umum: Anda sangat rasional pekan ini. Hampir tidak ada ruang untuk emosi. Cara terbaik mencari inspirasi adalah pergi ke taman atau ke mal, bahkan mungkin keliling-keliling kota sendirian. Justru di tempat-tempat yang ramai seperti itu Anda bisa menemukan inspirasi yang cemerlang.
Cinta: Perbedaan pendapat itu lumrah. Jangan jadikan perbedaan itu sebagai alasan untuk mencari kelemahan pasangan. Jangan terlalu dipikirkan karena itu hanya terjadi sesaat. Pesona Anda akan mengalahkan kebekuan suasana.
LEO (23 Juli- 22 Agustus )
Umum: Apapun hukumnya, Anda tidak dibenarkan mengklaim apa yang bukan milik Anda. Meski berat rasanya harus melepaskan sesuatu yang sangat disukai, Anda harus tetap lakukkan karena itu toh bukan hak Anda. Anda juga akan mengetahui mana yang emas murni dan mana yang hanya disepuh emas. Tidak semua yang berkilau mencari kekasih baru.
Cinta: Keretakan hubungan sangat mungkin terjadi. Tetapi Anda mempunyai peluang untuk melangkah maju. Cari pendekatan baru, bahkan mungkin mencari kekasih baru.
VIRGO (23 Agustus-22 September)
Umum: Jangan cepat puas pada keberhasilan yang sudah Anda raih selama ini. Saatnya tinggalkan semua cara lama karena sudah kuno dan usang. Anda mengalami perubahan dalam hidup. Mungkin Anda harus bangun lebih pagi, lebih berani dan tidak konservatif dalam berpikir, lebih luwes dengan orang lain. Intinya, harus lebih terbuka.
Cinta: Buat sesuatu yang baru untuk kehidupan asmara Anda yang terasa monoton. Buat kejutan-kejutan yang romantis atau refreshing ke tempat-tempat yang eksotik. Anda akan merasa seperti hidup lagi. Sangat menyenangkan.
LIBRA (23 September-22 Oktober)
Umum: Penantian yang sekian lama itu sepertinya berujung saat ini. Anda akan mendapatkan apa yang sudah lama Anda tunggu-tunggu. Saat yang tepat untuk berkumpul dan bersenang-senang dengan orang-orang yang Anda sayangi. Hidup terasa menyenangkan lagi.
Cinta: Kesenangan dan gairah asmara melingkupi Anda minggu ini, teristimewa bila Anda berpenampilan baru sama sekali. Perhatikan hal-hal kecil dan berusaha kompromi dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan kekasih Anda. Hasilnya sangat menyenangkan.
SCORPIO (23 Oktober-21 November)
Umum: Hati-hati dalam bersikap dan bertutur kata. Banyak persoalan rumah tangga muncul disebabkan oleh sikap Anda. Jangan biarkan diri Anda lepas kendali karena masih ada hal yang lebih besar dan lebih penting untuk diselesaikan. Banyak teman akan dengan senang hati membantu dan menghibur Anda.
Cinta: Rasa cinta yang mendalam bisa mengarah pada cemburu dan emosi yang tidak perlu. Tetapi terkadang itu justru menambah gairah dalam kehidupan asmara Anda. Yang paling penting diperhatikan adalah kurangi egoisme Anda yang akhir-akhir ini sangat kuat.
SAGITARIUS (22 November-21 Desember)
Umum: Tidak ada persoalan yang tabu untuk diselesaikan bersama teman atau orang-orang yang Anda sayangi. Jangan biarkan beban pikiran yang menyesakkan dada dipendam sendiri. Anda akan merasa lega setelah menceritakan itu kepada orang yang Anda percaya.
Cinta: Sikap yang ditunjukkan sangat membingungkan. Jangan panik atau resah, tanggapin semuanya dengan kepala dingin. Tetapi jangan juga mencoba sesuatu yang mengejutkan. Sebaiknya Anda mencari suasana baru, mungkin kenalan baru.
CAPRICORN (22 Desember-19 Januari)
Umum: Jangan tidur! Anda tidak butuh modal besar untuk mulai merencanakan masa depan yang lebih baik. Jangan berharap segala sesuatunya akan berjalan apa adanya, dan akan berpihak pada anda. Buatlah rencana dengan realistis dan siapkan dengan baik apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai itu.
Cinta: Tidak semua hal harus Anda pedulikan. Pikirkan langkah-lanngkah dan rencana masa depan bersama kekasih Anda. Lupakan dulu hal-hal kecil yang sering menggerogot. Ikuti apa dan ke mana kata hati Anda membawa Anda.
PISCES (19 Februari-20 Maret)
Umum: Banyak hal yang menjadi pusat perhatian Anda. Fokuslah hanya pada satu hal dan lakukan yang terbaik. Jangan takut untuk bereksperimen atau menemukan sesuatu yang telah lama diabaikan, juga perlu istirahat dari rutinitas.
Cinta: Lakukan sesuatu untuk menyenangkan kekasih Anda. Si dia sedang mengharapkan kejutan-kejutan dari Anda, atau kalau ada kesempatan Anda bisa melakukan sesuatu yang sangat diharapkannya, jangan lewatkan. Itu akan sangat berarti baginya.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Each has the display on the iPhone is finally at Verizon Wireless
Each has the display on the iPhone is finally at Verizon Wireless. With the announcement of Apple and Verizon welcomed the fact that V Grand Alliance of the Big Apple with a bite, so it is great. What makes it even better is the plan, Verizon offers for the quarter iPhone
That was the plan from AT & T iPhone data needed to cancel $ 30 per month, but decided a few months ago and AT & T, to the planning and the use of $ 15 per month and $ 25 per month. But with the iPhone are Verizon and Verizon offers unlimited data, AT & T, their plans and return data of unlimited data plan to reconsider if you want to keep your customers with an iPhone.
Rumors that the client changes the unlimited package, but the plan the possibility of return is limited. If you wonder whether you are eligible for updating the plan, go to att.com / wireless account and click "Properties" and see if the plan is unlimited. Nothing has been confirmed, but it is the truth in a backup. Not as a call with AT & T's? Knowing that, enterprises and customers lost 10th February?
Dexim the P-flip is a solar charger for iPhone cool 4
Dexim the P-flip is a solar charger for iPhone cool 4, 3G or 3G, as it both a spring and a solar charger. The P-223 DCA Dexim flip folds into a compact package that is easy to carry with you. Open and attractive appearance camouflage solar panels you can iPhone.
There's a 2000mAh battery in the dock, so you do not need to charge your iPhone exclusively, while the sun out. It takes about 15 hours of natural sunlight fully charged your phone or just connects the P-flip on the wall or car charger. A USB cable to your iPhone to your computer while on the basis of the P-flip. It can be used horizontally or vertically.
Lung cancer is by the growth of malignant
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the Western world. Lung cancer is by the growth of malignant or abnormal cells in the lung. It is the third most common cancer in men and fifth among women. However, lung cancer becomes a problem for women. The risk of lung cancer is 20 times higher than forewomen who have two or more packs of cigarettes per day than women who smoke not to smoke. Lung cancer is cancer that starts in the lung tissue. It can be very difficult to detect because early symptoms often do not appear until the disease is advanced.
Health experts say that much remains to be done to educate women about the risk of lung cancer. Because breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, studies show that since 1987 more women die each year from lung cancer than breast cancer. The researchers found that women who have one or more children had lung cancer almost 40 percent less than women without children were. Recently, research has suggested that women who smoke two to three times more likely to develop as a Non smoking to lung cancer. In women, the three most common types of cancer breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women (after lung cancer) and the most common cancer among women.
Dongeng Cinderella | Cerita Cinderella
Dongeng Cinderella is a popular myth that is darting through the children, both boys and girls. Nothing wrong with this Cinderela tales into a story community in the whole world not only in Indonesia and in addition the Cinderella story is also packaged in the form of films and also Cinderella cinderella animated cartoons.
Cinderella fairy tale is a lot of stories that really educating the kids, where this Cinderella story tells of a princess who is kind and who would later become a princess because of the honesty and goodness-day Cinderella.
Princess Cinderella is indeed a lot of role models for children to be good and honest heart. Well, this is because this Cinderella tale is always popular with children. For parents who want mendongengkan princess Cinderella story, please princess Cinderella story below:
Fairy tale Cinderella | Princess Cinderella Story
In a kingdom, there is a beautiful girl and a good heart. He lives with his mother and both his half-brother, because his parents had died.
In the house he was always told to do all homework. He always shouted at and only fed once a day by her stepmother. Her brothers called her evil "Cinderela". Cinderela mean girls, dirty and full of dust. "The name that suits you!" They said.
After a while, one day came the royal guards who spread the party invitation letter from the Palace. "This is fun! we will go and dress up secantikcantiknya. If I were a princess, the mother would be happy ", said mereka.Hari the anticipated arrival, the second half sister Cinderela started dressing up with joy. Cinderela very sad because he was not allowed to participate by her siblings to a party at the Palace. "Clothes you do not have anything, what would go to a party with sepert clothes that?", Said sister Cinderela.
After all go to parties, Cinderela back to his room. He cried as hard as hard because his heart was very upset. "I can not go to court with dirty clothes like this, but I want to go .." Not long after came a voice. "Cinderela, stop crying." When Cinderela turned, he saw a fairy.
Peri smiled kindly. "Cinderela take four rats and two male lizards." After everything is collected Cinderela, rats and lizards fairy brought it to the gourd garden in the backyard. "Voila!" As she spread her magic, there was a miracle. Rat rat turned into a four horses, and turned into two people kadalkadal coachman. The latter, Cinderela turned into a beautiful princess, with a very beautiful dress.
Because happy, Cinderela start dancing in circles with glass shoes like a butterfly. Peri said, "Cinderela, the influence of this magic will disappear after the bell at twelve the night stop. Because of that, go home before midnight. "Yes Grandma. Thank you, "replied Cinderela. Golden horse-drawn carriage brought Cinderela leave immediately to the palace. After arriving at the palace, he immediately went into the palace hall. Once inside, the views of all those present were on Cinderela.
They were very impressed with the beauty Cinderela. "The beauty with the princess! Daughter of the state where ya? "They asked. At last the prince came over Cinderela. "Women are beautiful, will you dance with me?" He said. "Yes!" Said Cinderela holding out his hand, smiling. They danced together in a slow rhythm.
His mother and two sisters Cinderela who were there did not think it is beautiful daughters Cinderela.
Prince continues to dance with Cinderela. "People like me you are the desire for this," said the Prince. Because happy, Cinderela forget the time. Hours start struck 12 times. "Sorry I had to get home Prince ..,". Cinderela interesting hand from the prince, and soon ran out of the Palace.
In the middle of the road, next to his shoes off, but not Cinderela memperdulikannya, he kept running. Prince Cinderela chase, but he lost track Cinderela. In the middle of the stairs, there is a glass slipper belongs Cinderela. Prince took the shoes. "I'll find you," he said, was determined in the liver. Although Cinderela back into a girl full of dust, he was very happy because it could leave the party.
The next day, the guards who sent the Prince came to the houses that have their daughters across the country to match the glass slipper with their feet, but no matches. Until finally the guards arrived at the house Cinderela.
"We are looking for the girl whose feet fit the glass slipper," said the guard. Both brothers Cinderela try these shoes, but their feet are too big. They're forcing her legs inserted into the glass shoes until blisters. At that time, guards saw Cinderela. "Hey you, try these shoes," he said. Cinderela stepmother becomes
angry, "will not fit with this child!".
Then Cinderela stretched his legs. Apparently these shoes is perfect. "Ah! You're the princess, "cried the guards happy. "Cinderela, congratulations ..," Cinderela looking back, the fairy was standing behind him. "From now live happy with the Prince. Voila!., "He said.
Once the reading fairy spell, Cinderela turn into a princess who wore a wedding dress. "The effect of this magic will not disappear even if the clock struck twelve times", said the fairy. Cinderela escorted by the mice and birds that become his friend. Arriving at the Palace, the Prince greeted him, smiling happily. Finally Cinderela married Prince and happy life.
Well, the brothers of the princess says the Once Upon A good-hearted Cinderella, so be a good boy like a princess Cinderella. Ok so the final fairy tale of Cinderella .... END
Cinderella fairy tale is a lot of stories that really educating the kids, where this Cinderella story tells of a princess who is kind and who would later become a princess because of the honesty and goodness-day Cinderella.
Princess Cinderella is indeed a lot of role models for children to be good and honest heart. Well, this is because this Cinderella tale is always popular with children. For parents who want mendongengkan princess Cinderella story, please princess Cinderella story below:
Fairy tale Cinderella | Princess Cinderella Story
In a kingdom, there is a beautiful girl and a good heart. He lives with his mother and both his half-brother, because his parents had died.
In the house he was always told to do all homework. He always shouted at and only fed once a day by her stepmother. Her brothers called her evil "Cinderela". Cinderela mean girls, dirty and full of dust. "The name that suits you!" They said.
After a while, one day came the royal guards who spread the party invitation letter from the Palace. "This is fun! we will go and dress up secantikcantiknya. If I were a princess, the mother would be happy ", said mereka.Hari the anticipated arrival, the second half sister Cinderela started dressing up with joy. Cinderela very sad because he was not allowed to participate by her siblings to a party at the Palace. "Clothes you do not have anything, what would go to a party with sepert clothes that?", Said sister Cinderela.
After all go to parties, Cinderela back to his room. He cried as hard as hard because his heart was very upset. "I can not go to court with dirty clothes like this, but I want to go .." Not long after came a voice. "Cinderela, stop crying." When Cinderela turned, he saw a fairy.
Peri smiled kindly. "Cinderela take four rats and two male lizards." After everything is collected Cinderela, rats and lizards fairy brought it to the gourd garden in the backyard. "Voila!" As she spread her magic, there was a miracle. Rat rat turned into a four horses, and turned into two people kadalkadal coachman. The latter, Cinderela turned into a beautiful princess, with a very beautiful dress.
Because happy, Cinderela start dancing in circles with glass shoes like a butterfly. Peri said, "Cinderela, the influence of this magic will disappear after the bell at twelve the night stop. Because of that, go home before midnight. "Yes Grandma. Thank you, "replied Cinderela. Golden horse-drawn carriage brought Cinderela leave immediately to the palace. After arriving at the palace, he immediately went into the palace hall. Once inside, the views of all those present were on Cinderela.
They were very impressed with the beauty Cinderela. "The beauty with the princess! Daughter of the state where ya? "They asked. At last the prince came over Cinderela. "Women are beautiful, will you dance with me?" He said. "Yes!" Said Cinderela holding out his hand, smiling. They danced together in a slow rhythm.
His mother and two sisters Cinderela who were there did not think it is beautiful daughters Cinderela.
Prince continues to dance with Cinderela. "People like me you are the desire for this," said the Prince. Because happy, Cinderela forget the time. Hours start struck 12 times. "Sorry I had to get home Prince ..,". Cinderela interesting hand from the prince, and soon ran out of the Palace.
In the middle of the road, next to his shoes off, but not Cinderela memperdulikannya, he kept running. Prince Cinderela chase, but he lost track Cinderela. In the middle of the stairs, there is a glass slipper belongs Cinderela. Prince took the shoes. "I'll find you," he said, was determined in the liver. Although Cinderela back into a girl full of dust, he was very happy because it could leave the party.
The next day, the guards who sent the Prince came to the houses that have their daughters across the country to match the glass slipper with their feet, but no matches. Until finally the guards arrived at the house Cinderela.
"We are looking for the girl whose feet fit the glass slipper," said the guard. Both brothers Cinderela try these shoes, but their feet are too big. They're forcing her legs inserted into the glass shoes until blisters. At that time, guards saw Cinderela. "Hey you, try these shoes," he said. Cinderela stepmother becomes
angry, "will not fit with this child!".
Then Cinderela stretched his legs. Apparently these shoes is perfect. "Ah! You're the princess, "cried the guards happy. "Cinderela, congratulations ..," Cinderela looking back, the fairy was standing behind him. "From now live happy with the Prince. Voila!., "He said.
Once the reading fairy spell, Cinderela turn into a princess who wore a wedding dress. "The effect of this magic will not disappear even if the clock struck twelve times", said the fairy. Cinderela escorted by the mice and birds that become his friend. Arriving at the Palace, the Prince greeted him, smiling happily. Finally Cinderela married Prince and happy life.
Well, the brothers of the princess says the Once Upon A good-hearted Cinderella, so be a good boy like a princess Cinderella. Ok so the final fairy tale of Cinderella .... END
AntiVirus Smadav 2011 Versi 8.4
Download Smadav 2011 – Smadav 2011 the latest was released in 2011 with version 8.4 with the main improvement is the engine scanner, quarantine feature, key rgistration protection, error handling, and much more. Among othersSmadav 2011 Rev. 8.4 Detection of specific features for some of the latest shortcut virus (MSO-sys, fanny-bmp), the addition of 40 new virus database, enhanced shortcut detection of all variants of the virus, the addition of heuristic techniques.
Smadav 2011 It was released to the public once perfected and tested for a month more in the lab SmadAV, so it can be regarded as the best current antivirus besides Antivirus Norton Utilities and McAfee Antivirus.
Here are some features that are improved and that makes antivirus smadav rev 8.4 is more superior than other antivirus:
• Completion of the Registration Key protection to prevent piracy
• Quarantine is much more perfect and the added feature Encryption
• Additional database and thoroughly cleaning the latest local virus 100
• The main engine has been refined so much more stable, fast, and accurate
• Heuristic techniques to detect new viruses without needing a database VBS
• new heuristic techniques to detect the virus shortcut
• Bug / failed to restore files from quarantine when the path to a file already in use another file
• Bug / crashes in some circumstances when SmadAV active as a guest on Windows XP
• Bug / fail to explore the folder if folder name has a comma (,)
• Adding the fix all in the form minimized
• The position coordinates of the form / window will be saved when exit SmadAV
• Able to display Unicode MessageBox
• SmadAV would advise you to do a Full Scanning after cleaning the infection
• Keys to display smadav.log after scanning
• SmadAV had to write Smadav.log in Unicode or ANSI text
• Bug fixes / fail display and remove a few buttons on the Scanner in certain circumstances
• Completion of the form looks like in some parts
• Completion of the features of the message and exit on the form minimized
• Virus Detection Alman, Conficker and Virus Fusion
• Improved False Positive on heuristics VBS
• Detection of EICAR Test File (international virus testing standards)
• Cleanup completed a new Local Virus: Virus AlbumBokep, Deadlock, Fullhouse
• On Smadav 2011Code (API) faster for reading command line processes VBS virus
Smadav 2011 It was released to the public once perfected and tested for a month more in the lab SmadAV, so it can be regarded as the best current antivirus besides Antivirus Norton Utilities and McAfee Antivirus.
Here are some features that are improved and that makes antivirus smadav rev 8.4 is more superior than other antivirus:
• Completion of the Registration Key protection to prevent piracy
• Quarantine is much more perfect and the added feature Encryption
• Additional database and thoroughly cleaning the latest local virus 100
• The main engine has been refined so much more stable, fast, and accurate
• Heuristic techniques to detect new viruses without needing a database VBS
• new heuristic techniques to detect the virus shortcut
• Bug / failed to restore files from quarantine when the path to a file already in use another file
• Bug / crashes in some circumstances when SmadAV active as a guest on Windows XP
• Bug / fail to explore the folder if folder name has a comma (,)
• Adding the fix all in the form minimized
• The position coordinates of the form / window will be saved when exit SmadAV
• Able to display Unicode MessageBox
• SmadAV would advise you to do a Full Scanning after cleaning the infection
• Keys to display smadav.log after scanning
• SmadAV had to write Smadav.log in Unicode or ANSI text
• Bug fixes / fail display and remove a few buttons on the Scanner in certain circumstances
• Completion of the form looks like in some parts
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Shin Min Ah super modelling korea
Name: Shin Min Ah
Real name: Yang Min Ah
Nickname: Do Duk Do Duk
Profession: Model and actress
Birthdate: 1984-Apr-05
Birthplace: South Korea
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg
Star sign: Aries
Blood type: O
Family: Older sister and younger brother
Talent agency: Star M Entertainment
Education: Hyosung High School, Dong Gook University (Performing Arts degree)
Hobby: Listening to music
Specialty: Imitating other people’s voices and skating
TV Series
My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox (SBS, 2010)
The Devil (KBS, 2007)
A Love to Kill (KBS, 2005)
Punch (SBS, 2003)
Beautiful Days (SBS, 2001)
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Mieke Amalia Stop Syuting
Berita Mieke Amalia Gosip terbaru artis Indonesia, Pasca menikah pada Desember 2009, Tora Sudiro dan Mieke Amalia belum dikaruniai anak. Mieke yang sempat keguguran akhirnya stop syuting agar segera hamil.
"Aktivitas semua berhenti, syuting semua juga berhenti, pokoknya bunting dulu deh tahun ini," ujar suami Mieke, Tora Sudiro saat ditemui baru-baru ini.
Tora mengaku tidak membatasi istrinya untuk berkarier di dunia entertainment. Apalagi keduanya berasal dari dunia pekerjaan yang sama sehingga sudah saling mengerti satu sama lain.
"Saya sih terserah dia. Walaupun perjanjiannya, waktu itu gue sempat bilang 'lo kan mau bunting, mana bisa kalau begini, soalnya kalau kerja dari pagi ke pagi' jangankan istirahatnya, kita sikat aja nggak tahu kapan?" tuturnya.
Untuk memperlancar proses agar bisa hamil, Mieke pun mengikuti sejumlah terapi. Ia juga rutin ke dokter kandungan untuk meminta obat dan vitamin.
"Aktivitas semua berhenti, syuting semua juga berhenti, pokoknya bunting dulu deh tahun ini," ujar suami Mieke, Tora Sudiro saat ditemui baru-baru ini.
Tora mengaku tidak membatasi istrinya untuk berkarier di dunia entertainment. Apalagi keduanya berasal dari dunia pekerjaan yang sama sehingga sudah saling mengerti satu sama lain.
"Saya sih terserah dia. Walaupun perjanjiannya, waktu itu gue sempat bilang 'lo kan mau bunting, mana bisa kalau begini, soalnya kalau kerja dari pagi ke pagi' jangankan istirahatnya, kita sikat aja nggak tahu kapan?" tuturnya.
Untuk memperlancar proses agar bisa hamil, Mieke pun mengikuti sejumlah terapi. Ia juga rutin ke dokter kandungan untuk meminta obat dan vitamin.
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Thursday, 27 January 2011
Installment System Titled a Structured Termination
A case that's no nomadic out of grounds is often square to the claimant in a sole compile sum, but sometimes the laurels is parceled out in an installment system titled a structured termination. This preparation is commonly molded by liability shelter companies that buy annuities those collateral patron payments to the litigator.
Despite the advantages of composing a schedule payout (the monies are tax supply, and any grouping don't swear themselves to prevent the good become received at rest), there are times when recipients regret not taking the compile sum, which in most cases is the solon financially valid alternative in the premiere place. A crisis examination disbursement, finance possibility, or separate condition mightiness arise their way where they beggary change faster than they're receiving it on a yearbook base. Since the flock was cemented in wrongfully costive bidding, there's no way to change the Termination purchasers buy organized settlements to form money on the lucre between what they pay for them and the fraught become of the remaining payments they'll receive extended statue. For this to be useful, they pauperization to buy for lower than its "retail" amount. This isn't ever a viable business simulation, since the yank tax advantages are voided when structures are transferred to ordinal parties, and both shelter companies bill their own restrictions on the these transfers in the initial resolution planning; so whether you're actually able to transact your structured body is something you'll soul to research, since regulations vary from land to say
Train Collision in Banjar | Train Accident banjo
Foto Kecelakaan Kereta di Banjar | Train collision South Pearl and South Railway Station Kutojaya langensari Banjar on this Friday on January 28, 2011 claimed many victims were injured and three passengers died, which is not yet known about the identity of these fatalities. In addition, passengers who were seriously injured victims is estimated to 7 people and injured as many as 3 people lightly.
Train accident on banjo It began as a South Kutojaya KA Bandung-Kutoarjo which was stopped at point three it was hit by a train station in South Pearl who was driving from Surabaya to Bandung. While this is expected to more victims of the train that rolled Kutojaya almost the entire carriage. And meurut information currently informed of the location, there are still victims trapped. Until now, the evacuation of casualties and injured victims have not all of them could be evacuated.
The following comments bambang being involved in the process evakuai train crash victims on the banjo, "The focus of the first evacuation, and care of passengers to get to their destination station". Meanwhile, the entire rescue and evacuation teams have been deployed to the scene, Including mobilized heavy equipment to normalize the overturned cart. Police officers and wargapun in droves to help korbang train collision on the banjo.
Let's see the result of an accident Photos KA on banjo (South Pearl railway VS South Kutojaya KA):
Train accident on banjo It began as a South Kutojaya KA Bandung-Kutoarjo which was stopped at point three it was hit by a train station in South Pearl who was driving from Surabaya to Bandung. While this is expected to more victims of the train that rolled Kutojaya almost the entire carriage. And meurut information currently informed of the location, there are still victims trapped. Until now, the evacuation of casualties and injured victims have not all of them could be evacuated.
The following comments bambang being involved in the process evakuai train crash victims on the banjo, "The focus of the first evacuation, and care of passengers to get to their destination station". Meanwhile, the entire rescue and evacuation teams have been deployed to the scene, Including mobilized heavy equipment to normalize the overturned cart. Police officers and wargapun in droves to help korbang train collision on the banjo.
Let's see the result of an accident Photos KA on banjo (South Pearl railway VS South Kutojaya KA):
Pemenang Dahsyatnya Award 2011
Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Dahsyatnya Award 2011 - Dahsyatnya Awards kembali digelar. Merupakan tahun ketiga bagi acara 'Dahsyat' memberikan apresiasi tertinggi untuk insan musik Indonesia.
Dengan mengusung tema 'Unlimited', Dahsyatnya Awards 2011 dimeriahkan musisi papan atas seperti Afghan, Charlie ST12, Andien, Sherina, Vidi Aldiano, Anang dan Aurel, Vierra, Smash, The Virgin, D'Masiv.
Acara ini dipandu oleh Raffi Ahmad, Olga Syahputra, Marcell Chandrawinata, Denny Cagur, Olla Ramlan, Tiffany, Jessica Iskandar, Laura Basuki, dan Ade Namnung.
Kejutan-kejutan pun ditampilkan pada acara yang digelar 26 Januari malam di Hall D2 JIEXPO-Kemayoran Jakarta ini. Dari pembacaan nominasi yang dibawakan Vierra dalam sebuah aransemen lagu, kolaborasi Charlie ST12 dengan Afghan, kolaborasi Raffi Ahmad dengan big screen Yuni Shara sampai kolaborasi Tantri Kotak dengan The Virgin dan Andien.
Pada kesempatan sama, dipilih kandidat host wanita yang akan menggantikan Luna Maya untuk menemani Raffi Ahmad dan Olga Syahputra sebagai host acara musik yang tayang di salah satu saluran televisi di Indonesia itu.
Lima kandidat pengganti Luna Maya adalah artis-artis wanita yang sering menjadi host bintang tamu di acara tersebut. Kandidat tersebut di antaranya Jessica Iskandar, Olla Ramlan, Tiffany, Gista Putri dan Laura Basuki.
Tak ketinggalan, ada juga kejutan bagi penggemar Luna Maya karena artis yang sedang tersandung kasus video porno ini tampil menemani Raffi dan Olga. Raut muka senang ditampilkannya. Luna pun mengaku tidak menyangka bisa tampil lagi membawakan Dahsyatnya Awards bersama dua sahabatnya itu.
Ingin tahu siapa saja yang terpilih menerima penghargaan Dahsatnya Awards 2011? Ini daftar lengkapnya:
Pendatang Baru Terdahsyat: D'Bagindas
Aksi Panggung Terdahsyat: J-Rocks
Penyanyi Solo Terdahsyat: Afghan
Penyanyi Duo/Group Terdahsyat: Anang dan Syahrini
Kota Terdahsyat: Bandung
Bintang Tamu Paling Rajin Tampil Terdahsyat: Alexa
Sutradara Video Klip Terdahsyat: Tepan Kobain dalam Mulan Jameela-Cinta Mati III
Peran Dalam Video Klip Terdahsyat: Lukman Sardi dalam Nidji-Tuhan Maha Cinta.
Video Klip Terdahsyat Pilihan Juri: Andien-Moving On
Host Tamu Terdahsyat: Olla Ramlan
Band Terdahsyat: Geisha
Lagu Terdahsyat: Ya Sudahlah - Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black
Untuk mengetahui siapa saja nominasi lihat di Nominasi Dahsyat Awards 2011
Dengan mengusung tema 'Unlimited', Dahsyatnya Awards 2011 dimeriahkan musisi papan atas seperti Afghan, Charlie ST12, Andien, Sherina, Vidi Aldiano, Anang dan Aurel, Vierra, Smash, The Virgin, D'Masiv.
Acara ini dipandu oleh Raffi Ahmad, Olga Syahputra, Marcell Chandrawinata, Denny Cagur, Olla Ramlan, Tiffany, Jessica Iskandar, Laura Basuki, dan Ade Namnung.
Kejutan-kejutan pun ditampilkan pada acara yang digelar 26 Januari malam di Hall D2 JIEXPO-Kemayoran Jakarta ini. Dari pembacaan nominasi yang dibawakan Vierra dalam sebuah aransemen lagu, kolaborasi Charlie ST12 dengan Afghan, kolaborasi Raffi Ahmad dengan big screen Yuni Shara sampai kolaborasi Tantri Kotak dengan The Virgin dan Andien.
Pada kesempatan sama, dipilih kandidat host wanita yang akan menggantikan Luna Maya untuk menemani Raffi Ahmad dan Olga Syahputra sebagai host acara musik yang tayang di salah satu saluran televisi di Indonesia itu.
Lima kandidat pengganti Luna Maya adalah artis-artis wanita yang sering menjadi host bintang tamu di acara tersebut. Kandidat tersebut di antaranya Jessica Iskandar, Olla Ramlan, Tiffany, Gista Putri dan Laura Basuki.
Tak ketinggalan, ada juga kejutan bagi penggemar Luna Maya karena artis yang sedang tersandung kasus video porno ini tampil menemani Raffi dan Olga. Raut muka senang ditampilkannya. Luna pun mengaku tidak menyangka bisa tampil lagi membawakan Dahsyatnya Awards bersama dua sahabatnya itu.
Ingin tahu siapa saja yang terpilih menerima penghargaan Dahsatnya Awards 2011? Ini daftar lengkapnya:
Pendatang Baru Terdahsyat: D'Bagindas
Aksi Panggung Terdahsyat: J-Rocks
Penyanyi Solo Terdahsyat: Afghan
Penyanyi Duo/Group Terdahsyat: Anang dan Syahrini
Kota Terdahsyat: Bandung
Bintang Tamu Paling Rajin Tampil Terdahsyat: Alexa
Sutradara Video Klip Terdahsyat: Tepan Kobain dalam Mulan Jameela-Cinta Mati III
Peran Dalam Video Klip Terdahsyat: Lukman Sardi dalam Nidji-Tuhan Maha Cinta.
Video Klip Terdahsyat Pilihan Juri: Andien-Moving On
Host Tamu Terdahsyat: Olla Ramlan
Band Terdahsyat: Geisha
Lagu Terdahsyat: Ya Sudahlah - Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black
Untuk mengetahui siapa saja nominasi lihat di Nominasi Dahsyat Awards 2011
Rahasia Olla Ramlan Selalu Tampil Cantik
Cantik ala Artis, Rahasia Olla Ramlan Selalu Tampil Cantik, Artis cantik Olla Ramlan selalu terlihat cantik di setiap kesempatan. Apa rahasianya?
Usut punya usut, pemilik nama asli Febiolla Ramlan ini tidak pernah membiarkan wajahnya polos tanpa make up.
“Saya suka merias wajah biar terlihat cantik. Biasanya bagian mata yang lebih saya tonjolkan dengan memakai maskara, eyeliner, bulu mata palsu, dan eyeshadow,” tutur Olla Ramlan yang ditemui okezone di acara Dahsyatnya Awards, JIExpo, Kemayoran, Rabu (26/1/2011) malam.
Perempuan cantik kelahiran Banjarmasin, 15 Februari 1980 ini mengaku lebih menonjolkan mata, karena kesan pertama dicitrakan dari tatapan mata. Sementara untuk lipstik tidak menjadi prioritasnya.
Tidak cukup itu saja untuk membuat kulit tubuhnya menyala, Olla juga menambahkan body glitter.
“Seperti di acara malam ini (Dahsyatnya Awards), saya pakai ‘body glitter’ agar kesannya beda dan menyala,” tutup Olla yang secara khusus mengenakan gaun rancangan Vera Abi dan Windy Chandra.
Usut punya usut, pemilik nama asli Febiolla Ramlan ini tidak pernah membiarkan wajahnya polos tanpa make up.
“Saya suka merias wajah biar terlihat cantik. Biasanya bagian mata yang lebih saya tonjolkan dengan memakai maskara, eyeliner, bulu mata palsu, dan eyeshadow,” tutur Olla Ramlan yang ditemui okezone di acara Dahsyatnya Awards, JIExpo, Kemayoran, Rabu (26/1/2011) malam.
Perempuan cantik kelahiran Banjarmasin, 15 Februari 1980 ini mengaku lebih menonjolkan mata, karena kesan pertama dicitrakan dari tatapan mata. Sementara untuk lipstik tidak menjadi prioritasnya.
Tidak cukup itu saja untuk membuat kulit tubuhnya menyala, Olla juga menambahkan body glitter.
“Seperti di acara malam ini (Dahsyatnya Awards), saya pakai ‘body glitter’ agar kesannya beda dan menyala,” tutup Olla yang secara khusus mengenakan gaun rancangan Vera Abi dan Windy Chandra.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Download Video Nurdin ali sayyidin | Lyrics Nurdin
Video sayyidin now become famous and well known by the title of the song Stop Ali Nurdin. Where lyrics lagu nurdin ali It contains about the form of public discontent against the policies that keep the canal PSSI maintain its position as ketum PSSI Nurdin Halid. Lagu Nurdin ali This dinyayikan by 3 personnel youth home from Bandung city, is famous since emerged Video diyoutube around on 23 January 2011
Video Nurdin ali: now it has reached over 5000 people who download these videos Sayidin Nurdin ali. Singerlagu nurdin ali that there were 3 young men named Abdullah Fadil (24th age) and Andry Irawan (23th age) and the guitarist is Rezka Fahmi Fauzi (Age 22th)
Here's the second Fadil said in an interview with basecamp disebuah Sayyidin Bojong Koneng Street Band, "The initial idea to make a song with this theme of the manager while still tuh-do team. And then I wrote the lyrics and then with each other, Make straight day song so "
The following words and Dawn who claimed several times to watch directly into the stadium GBK Indonesian national team when competing in the AFF Cup some time ago, "Just as the thoughts of others who are also fanatical football, I love passionately and annoyed with Nurdin Halid. protested deaf. Then I thought Sayyidin for making the song satire "
Here are the lyrics lagu Sayyidin (Hentikan) Nurdin Ali
repeatedly went to prison was also wary
politicization of corruption is increasingly becoming
one problem two problems
one head but so many problems
* courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
halalkan every way
maintain the position for personal gain
do not want to be blamed
Ali Nurdin what kind of man you
stop (stop Nurdin) everything
you're not supposed to be there
stop (stop Nurdin) immediately
unconscious self more and more people hated
like the man had no self esteem
you do not care conscience
and make the hurt any of you say the pledge
shameless (shameless), more than just a parasite
Indonesia exclaimed, tanggalkanlah your job
repeat reff
a story of a real story
a corrupt, corrupt in Indonesia yeah
Ali Nurdin quick stop, quick stop oh yeah [2x]
stop everything, you're not supposed to be there
stop immediately
repeat reff
corruption, politicization, exploitation, manipulation, stop Nurdin Ali [4x]
corruption, politicization, exploitation, manipulation, please Nurdin!
Video Nurdin ali: now it has reached over 5000 people who download these videos Sayidin Nurdin ali. Singerlagu nurdin ali that there were 3 young men named Abdullah Fadil (24th age) and Andry Irawan (23th age) and the guitarist is Rezka Fahmi Fauzi (Age 22th)
Here's the second Fadil said in an interview with basecamp disebuah Sayyidin Bojong Koneng Street Band, "The initial idea to make a song with this theme of the manager while still tuh-do team. And then I wrote the lyrics and then with each other, Make straight day song so "
The following words and Dawn who claimed several times to watch directly into the stadium GBK Indonesian national team when competing in the AFF Cup some time ago, "Just as the thoughts of others who are also fanatical football, I love passionately and annoyed with Nurdin Halid. protested deaf. Then I thought Sayyidin for making the song satire "
Here are the lyrics lagu Sayyidin (Hentikan) Nurdin Ali
repeatedly went to prison was also wary
politicization of corruption is increasingly becoming
one problem two problems
one head but so many problems
* courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
halalkan every way
maintain the position for personal gain
do not want to be blamed
Ali Nurdin what kind of man you
stop (stop Nurdin) everything
you're not supposed to be there
stop (stop Nurdin) immediately
unconscious self more and more people hated
like the man had no self esteem
you do not care conscience
and make the hurt any of you say the pledge
shameless (shameless), more than just a parasite
Indonesia exclaimed, tanggalkanlah your job
repeat reff
a story of a real story
a corrupt, corrupt in Indonesia yeah
Ali Nurdin quick stop, quick stop oh yeah [2x]
stop everything, you're not supposed to be there
stop immediately
repeat reff
corruption, politicization, exploitation, manipulation, stop Nurdin Ali [4x]
corruption, politicization, exploitation, manipulation, please Nurdin!
Types of Mesothelioma
There are three main types of mesothelioma. It is called as pleural when it affects the lungs, peritoneal when it affects the abdomen and pericardial when it affects the heart. Around 75 % of mesothelioma cases are pleural and 20% are peritoneal or pericardial. There are also some other rare types of mesothelioma that affect the remaining 5%. All these statistics pertain only to the documented cases. There are thousands of cases that go undocumented or undiagnosed all around the world.
Pleural Mesothelioma:
Among the various types of cancer, mesothelioma accounts for only a small percentage. However, among the various types of mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma accounts for nearly three-fourth of the documented cases. In pleural mesothelioma, fluid gets built up between the chest and the mesothelium lining.
The symptoms of this disease include panting, shortness of breath, fever, loss of weight, coughing up blood and breathing difficulties. Patients of pleural mesothelioma face acute chest pain. Since the symptoms of this disease are similar to pneumonia, it is often confused with this disease. The diagnosis is also difficult. There is no known cure for pleural mesothelioma. There are two types of pleural mesothelioma - cancerous and non-cancerous. When it is cancerous, it is called as a malignant form and when it is non-cancerous, it is called as a benign form.
The latency period of mesothelioma is around 20 to 50 years. This makes it very difficult for many people to link the disease to asbestos exposure. They might have changed many jobs by this time and may not consider their disease as an occupational type of disease.
Pleural mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. These fibers enter the lungs through the nose or mouth and they settle in the lungs. Then, they travel through the tissues. Since they are light and invisible, they become easily airborne and inhalable. When the asbestos fibers settle in the mesothelium lining, the mesothelium cells start showing abnormal behavior, thereby leading to mesothelioma. In this disease, tumors are formed in lungs and mesothelium and this may also spread to other parts of the body too.
Since they are difficult to detect, they might have caused maximum havoc by the time they are detected. Mostly, when mesothelioma is detected, the patients are in the final stages of cancer with only a few months or years left. Sometimes, not even that. Mesothelioma is a terrible killer disease. Proper tests and efforts must be taken by the medical fraternity to detect the disease as soon as possible.
Read More : http://ezinearticles.com/?Types-of-Mesothelioma&id=720772
Pleural Mesothelioma:
Among the various types of cancer, mesothelioma accounts for only a small percentage. However, among the various types of mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma accounts for nearly three-fourth of the documented cases. In pleural mesothelioma, fluid gets built up between the chest and the mesothelium lining.
The symptoms of this disease include panting, shortness of breath, fever, loss of weight, coughing up blood and breathing difficulties. Patients of pleural mesothelioma face acute chest pain. Since the symptoms of this disease are similar to pneumonia, it is often confused with this disease. The diagnosis is also difficult. There is no known cure for pleural mesothelioma. There are two types of pleural mesothelioma - cancerous and non-cancerous. When it is cancerous, it is called as a malignant form and when it is non-cancerous, it is called as a benign form.
The latency period of mesothelioma is around 20 to 50 years. This makes it very difficult for many people to link the disease to asbestos exposure. They might have changed many jobs by this time and may not consider their disease as an occupational type of disease.
Pleural mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. These fibers enter the lungs through the nose or mouth and they settle in the lungs. Then, they travel through the tissues. Since they are light and invisible, they become easily airborne and inhalable. When the asbestos fibers settle in the mesothelium lining, the mesothelium cells start showing abnormal behavior, thereby leading to mesothelioma. In this disease, tumors are formed in lungs and mesothelium and this may also spread to other parts of the body too.
Since they are difficult to detect, they might have caused maximum havoc by the time they are detected. Mostly, when mesothelioma is detected, the patients are in the final stages of cancer with only a few months or years left. Sometimes, not even that. Mesothelioma is a terrible killer disease. Proper tests and efforts must be taken by the medical fraternity to detect the disease as soon as possible.
Read More : http://ezinearticles.com/?Types-of-Mesothelioma&id=720772
"Astrid Pratiwi" From Ugly to Sexy
Let alone to attract the opposite sex, they just hang out with him already embarrassed. But, it first! The model was born in Bandung, May 7, 1987 tells of how the transformation from a geeky girl to become a sexy, shapely figure. Well, with what is obtaining today, it's no wonder soap opera actor Aqso and Madina is so confident to look sexy in all conditions. But to her bikini and lingerie, only to be places perdaratan POPULAR who first sensual poses. Glad We've choosen the right magazine, Astrid Pratiwi!
Film Terbaru Sherina Tahun 2011
Film Terbaru Sherina Tahun 2011 - Penyanyi dan Artis berbakat Nan cantik Sherina Munaf ternyata sedang menggarap proyek besar. Sherina yang berumur 20 tahun ini tengah sibuk dalam menyiapkan sebuah film musikal garapan dirinya sendiri. “Ini proyek nekat, karena aku men-direct orang-orang yang lebih dewasa di film ini. Tapi ini tantangan buat aku, dan aku suka tantangan,” katanya di ditengah latihan menari untuk film terbarunya tersebut.
Saat kanak-kanak, Sherina memang pernah bermain dalam film musikal yaitu "Petualangan Sherina" ia sendiri peran utamanya. Salutnya Sherina tidak hanya akan berakting dalam film ini namun Sherina juga menciptakan dan mengarasemenkan musik dan lagu dalam film ini. Sherina bahkan bakal bertindak sebagai produser.
“Ini sebuah kepercayaan besar, karena aku akan memegang kesemua operator. Mohon doannya ya,” katanya sambil meminta doa. Ditanya soal bagaimana jalan cerita film drama yang bakal dipimpinnya, pelantun lagu Pergilah Kau ini masih enggan menuturkan lebih lanjut cerita filmnya. “Masih rahasia, tunggu aja nanti aku mau kasih kejutan,”ujarnya.
Dia hanya mengatakan bahwa film itu akan ditujukan bagi semua segmen penonton mulai dari anak-anak, dewasa, hingga orang tua.”Semuanya ada disini. Aku ingin menghibur orang sebnyak-banyaknya, juga keluarga lewat perpaduan musik, akting, dan pastinya memberikan pesan moral,”katanya. Bikin penasaran, nih. Tahun ini Sherina menunda kuliahnya di Berkeley College of Music, Boston, demi menggarap film musikal itu. Selepas film ini, ia baru akan kuliah di sana dan mengambil jurusan film scoring.
Related Post:
- Film Mencuri Miyabi.
- Video Cowboy In Paradise.
- Cinta Fitri 4 Season Ramadhan
Saat kanak-kanak, Sherina memang pernah bermain dalam film musikal yaitu "Petualangan Sherina" ia sendiri peran utamanya. Salutnya Sherina tidak hanya akan berakting dalam film ini namun Sherina juga menciptakan dan mengarasemenkan musik dan lagu dalam film ini. Sherina bahkan bakal bertindak sebagai produser.
“Ini sebuah kepercayaan besar, karena aku akan memegang kesemua operator. Mohon doannya ya,” katanya sambil meminta doa. Ditanya soal bagaimana jalan cerita film drama yang bakal dipimpinnya, pelantun lagu Pergilah Kau ini masih enggan menuturkan lebih lanjut cerita filmnya. “Masih rahasia, tunggu aja nanti aku mau kasih kejutan,”ujarnya.
Dia hanya mengatakan bahwa film itu akan ditujukan bagi semua segmen penonton mulai dari anak-anak, dewasa, hingga orang tua.”Semuanya ada disini. Aku ingin menghibur orang sebnyak-banyaknya, juga keluarga lewat perpaduan musik, akting, dan pastinya memberikan pesan moral,”katanya. Bikin penasaran, nih. Tahun ini Sherina menunda kuliahnya di Berkeley College of Music, Boston, demi menggarap film musikal itu. Selepas film ini, ia baru akan kuliah di sana dan mengambil jurusan film scoring.
Related Post:
- Film Mencuri Miyabi.
- Video Cowboy In Paradise.
- Cinta Fitri 4 Season Ramadhan
Rahasia Kecantikan Lola Amaria
Cantik Ala Artis Rahasia Kecantikan Lola Amaria - JIKA banyak wanita senang membubuhkan make up untuk membuat mereka tampak cantik, tidak begitu dengan aktris Lola Amaria. Selain selalu menjaga perasaan bahagia, produser dan sutradara ini lebih senang melakoni perawatan kecantikan tubuh.
"Yang pertama, happy. Kalau saya happy, pasti mood-nya bagus. Walaupun ada mood-nya yang lagi premenstruasi syndrom (PMS), atau sebal sama orang, atau lagi kesal apalah pasti ada, saya juga tidak mau membenci orang lain, saya selalu mengondisikan seperti itu," kata Lola saat ditemui di acara Penghargaan 25 Alumni Wajah Femina Berprestasi di Kuningan, Jakarta, Selasa (25/1/2011).
Perawatan tubuh dilakoni aktris berbibir seksi ini untuk menjaga kecantikannya. Pemenang Busana Nasional Wajah Femina 1997 ini pun rela merogoh kocek yang banyak demi menyalurkan kegemarannya itu.
"Untuk tampilan luar, saya enggak suka dandan. Make up pun terpaksa kalau ada acara seperti ini, syuting, atau acara yang bentuknya tampil sebagai publik figur. Paling saya perawatan. Uang saya bisa habis buat perawatan ketimbang beli make up. Misalnya facial, pijat muka, atau creambath, scrub, saya lebih senang yang seperti itu.
Kalaupun beli make up cuma sunblock atau pelembap saja," papar pemeran Tinung dalam "Ca Bau Kan" ini.
Tak hanya melakukan perawatan tubuh di salon, sutradara film "Betina" ini juga sering melakoninya di rumah.
"Banyak hal, misalnya ada yang datang ke rumah dan melakukan scrub, ada juga saya datang yang memang spa-nya bagus, atau creambath-nya lengkap, atau facial-nya produknya bagus, itu bisa bervariatif. Tapi saya enggak suka ganti-ganti produk," imbuh wanita 33 tahun ini.
Keengganan pemilik berat badan 47 kg dan tinggi 163 cm ini untuk dandan bukan tak beralasan. Namun, Lola percaya jika perawatan tubuh yang dilakukannya untuk bekal di masa tua.
"Iya, karena make up hanya tipuan. Perawatan kita seperti saving (nabung) apalagi di awal 30, di mana metabolisme melambat, kulit kering, timbul bercak-bercak, dan kalau dirawat dari sekarang kan itu bisa saving untuk nanti. Memang tidak langsung bereaksi, tapi saya percaya itu tabungan di masa depan. Kemudian kalau kulitnya sudah cokelat enggak usah dicokelatin lagi, biarkan kulit bernapas dengan senang tanpa harus ditutup dengan foundation atau bedak setiap hari," tutupnya.
"Yang pertama, happy. Kalau saya happy, pasti mood-nya bagus. Walaupun ada mood-nya yang lagi premenstruasi syndrom (PMS), atau sebal sama orang, atau lagi kesal apalah pasti ada, saya juga tidak mau membenci orang lain, saya selalu mengondisikan seperti itu," kata Lola saat ditemui di acara Penghargaan 25 Alumni Wajah Femina Berprestasi di Kuningan, Jakarta, Selasa (25/1/2011).
Perawatan tubuh dilakoni aktris berbibir seksi ini untuk menjaga kecantikannya. Pemenang Busana Nasional Wajah Femina 1997 ini pun rela merogoh kocek yang banyak demi menyalurkan kegemarannya itu.
"Untuk tampilan luar, saya enggak suka dandan. Make up pun terpaksa kalau ada acara seperti ini, syuting, atau acara yang bentuknya tampil sebagai publik figur. Paling saya perawatan. Uang saya bisa habis buat perawatan ketimbang beli make up. Misalnya facial, pijat muka, atau creambath, scrub, saya lebih senang yang seperti itu.
Kalaupun beli make up cuma sunblock atau pelembap saja," papar pemeran Tinung dalam "Ca Bau Kan" ini.
Tak hanya melakukan perawatan tubuh di salon, sutradara film "Betina" ini juga sering melakoninya di rumah.
"Banyak hal, misalnya ada yang datang ke rumah dan melakukan scrub, ada juga saya datang yang memang spa-nya bagus, atau creambath-nya lengkap, atau facial-nya produknya bagus, itu bisa bervariatif. Tapi saya enggak suka ganti-ganti produk," imbuh wanita 33 tahun ini.
Keengganan pemilik berat badan 47 kg dan tinggi 163 cm ini untuk dandan bukan tak beralasan. Namun, Lola percaya jika perawatan tubuh yang dilakukannya untuk bekal di masa tua.
"Iya, karena make up hanya tipuan. Perawatan kita seperti saving (nabung) apalagi di awal 30, di mana metabolisme melambat, kulit kering, timbul bercak-bercak, dan kalau dirawat dari sekarang kan itu bisa saving untuk nanti. Memang tidak langsung bereaksi, tapi saya percaya itu tabungan di masa depan. Kemudian kalau kulitnya sudah cokelat enggak usah dicokelatin lagi, biarkan kulit bernapas dengan senang tanpa harus ditutup dengan foundation atau bedak setiap hari," tutupnya.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Sms Imlek 2011 Terbaru | Kartu Ucapan Imlek
Gong xi fa cai 2011 | Chinese New Year or often referred to as dayimlek ditahun 2011 will fall on February 3, 2011, in which imleklater must have been enlivened with a lot of Chinese New Year events, 2011 and usually diklenteng-pagoda there liong and lion dance performances that are intended to ward off evil spirits and welcome the new year 2011 with a lot of luck and blessings.
For those who celebrate Chinese New Year 2011, we have a set atu collection of greeting sms and also Lunar Chinese New Year greeting cards or Gong xi fa suey 2011. What I want to share the happiness together with friends or relatives through exchanging greeting cards Lunar then, the following are available Lunar New Year greeting card china that you can send via email, via post, or greeting
Sms Imlek 2011 :
• GONG XI FA CAI ! Wishing you a wonderful and prosperous new year with lots of happiness.
• Gong Xi Fa Cai. Wishing you a prosperous year, great health and happiness for you and family.
• Göng Göng Xi Fät Fät Chäi Chäi
• Wishing You A Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
• Happy Chinese New Year. May better luck come into us in this new year. Gong xi. Gong xi. Gong xi fa cai.
• Gong Xi Fa Cai !! Xin Nian Kuai Le.Zhù Ni Shenti Jià nkäng, Quanjiä Xingfu,Wà nshì Ruyì
• Kami sekeluarga ingin Mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek ” GONG XI FAT CHAI”. semoga Sukses Selalu!
• “GONG XI FA CAI”. Semoga Imlek membawa rejeki yang berlimpah dan kesehatan buat kita semua.
• Gong Xi..! Gong Xi..! Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi! Gong Xi Fa Cai! May GoD BLees our faMily.
Kartu Ucapan Imlek 2011 :
Okay, may be useful for those who celebrate imlek 2011 and do not forget the team website pothatos mengucapakan "Gong xi fa suey 2011"
For those who celebrate Chinese New Year 2011, we have a set atu collection of greeting sms and also Lunar Chinese New Year greeting cards or Gong xi fa suey 2011. What I want to share the happiness together with friends or relatives through exchanging greeting cards Lunar then, the following are available Lunar New Year greeting card china that you can send via email, via post, or greeting
Sms Imlek 2011 :
• GONG XI FA CAI ! Wishing you a wonderful and prosperous new year with lots of happiness.
• Gong Xi Fa Cai. Wishing you a prosperous year, great health and happiness for you and family.
• Göng Göng Xi Fät Fät Chäi Chäi
• Wishing You A Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
• Happy Chinese New Year. May better luck come into us in this new year. Gong xi. Gong xi. Gong xi fa cai.
• Gong Xi Fa Cai !! Xin Nian Kuai Le.Zhù Ni Shenti Jià nkäng, Quanjiä Xingfu,Wà nshì Ruyì
• Kami sekeluarga ingin Mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek ” GONG XI FAT CHAI”. semoga Sukses Selalu!
• “GONG XI FA CAI”. Semoga Imlek membawa rejeki yang berlimpah dan kesehatan buat kita semua.
• Gong Xi..! Gong Xi..! Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi! Gong Xi Fa Cai! May GoD BLees our faMily.
Kartu Ucapan Imlek 2011 :
Okay, may be useful for those who celebrate imlek 2011 and do not forget the team website pothatos mengucapakan "Gong xi fa suey 2011"
Nominasi Dahsyat Awards 2011
Nominasi Dahsyat Awards 2011 - Ajang penghargaan Dahsyat Awards akan diselenggarakan sebentar lagi tepatnya pada 26 Januari 2011 di Hall D2 JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta.
Uniknya, dalam ajang penghargaan ini Anang Hermansyah masuk dalam dua buah kategori yaitu kategori lagu terdahsyat dan penyanyi duo terdahsyat. Dalam kategori penyanyi duo terdahsyat, Anang-Aurel harus berhadapan dengan Anang-Syahrini.
Tentu Anda penasaran siapa saja para musisi yang masuk dalam nominasi tersebut. Berikut adalah daftar nominasi Dahsyat Awards 2011:
1. Jangan Memilih – Anang & Syahrini
2. Ya Sudahlah – Bondan & Fade2Black
3. C.I.N.T.A – D’Bagindas
4. Baru Aku Tahu Cinta Itu Apa – Indah Dewi Pertiwi
5. Geregetan – Sherina
6. Aku Padamu – ST12
7. Percaya Padaku – Ungu
8. Rasa Ini – Vierra
1. D’Massive
2. Geisha
3. Kotak
4. Nidji
5. ST12
6. Ungu
7. Vierra
1. Afgan
2. Andien
3. Mulan Jameela
4. Sandhy Sondoro
5. Sherina
6. Vidi Aldiano
1. Anang & Aurell
2. Anang & Syahrini
3. Bondan & Fade2 Black
4. Project Pop
5. Raffi & Yuni Shara
6. The Virgin
1. Alexa Key
2. Armada
3. Calvin Jeremy
4. D’Bagindas
5. Indah Dewi Pertiwi
6. Nikita Willy
1. J-Rock
2. Kotak
3. Project Pop
4. SKJ 94
5. SM*SH
1. ITC Cibinong
2. Kantor Pemadam Kebakaran, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Selatan
3. Kampung Pesing Poglar, Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat
4. Pabrik Boneka (Pt.Leo Korinsia),Bekasi
5. Pasar Kembang Rawa Belong
6. Sma Budi Luhur Ciledug, Tangerang
1. Ade Namnung
2. Denny Cagur
3. Franda
4. Jessica Jessi
5. Laura Basuki
6. Marcell Chandrawinata
7. Olla Ramlan
8. Tiffany
Nominasi-nominasi tersebut dapat dipilih langsung oleh Anda dengan cara mengetik sms dan dikirimkan ke 6288 (Rp.2000/SMS).
Sedangkan Nominasi berdasarkan pilihan dewan juri adalah:
1. Afgan – Bawalah Cintaku
2. Alexa – Andai
3. Andien – Moving On
4. Lyla – Magic
5. Maliq & D’Essentials – Terlalu
6. Marcell – Peri Cintaku
7. Mulan Jameela – Cinta Mati III
8. Nidji – Tuhan Maha Cinta
9. RAN – Karena Kusuka Dirimu
10. Vierra – Rasa Ini
1. Arumi Bachsin – Marcell(Peri Cintaku)
2. Lukman Sardi – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
3. Manu – SheilaOn7 (Hari Bersamanya)
4. Marcell – Marcell (Peri Cintaku)
5. Pevita Pearce – Vidi Aldiano (Cemburu Menguras Hati)
6. Raihanuun – Kahitna (Mantan Terindah)
7. RAN – RAN (Karena Kusuka Dirimu)
8. Saira Jihan – Afgan (Bawalah Cintaku)
9. Shanty – Shanty (Waktu Takkan Mampu)
10. Sherina – Sherina (Geregetan)
1. Abimael Gandy - Vierra (Rasa Ini)
2. Angga Dwimas Sasongko - LYLA (Magic)
3. Angga Dwimas Sasongko – RAN (Karena Kusuka Dirimu)
4. A.N.G.G.Y – Afgan (Bawalah Cintaku)
5. Dibyo – Maliq & D’Essentials (Terlalu)
6. Fajar Bustomi – Marcell (Peri Cintaku)
7. Hanung Bramantyo – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
8. Riyo Wardiarto – Alexa (Andai)
9. SIM F – Andien (Moving On)
10. Tepan Kobain – Mulan Jameela (Cinta Mati III)
1. Triad
2. Alexa
3. Gruvi
4. Nine Ball
5. Lyla
6. Armada
7. Pee Wee Gaskin
8. Indah Dewi Pertiwi
Uniknya, dalam ajang penghargaan ini Anang Hermansyah masuk dalam dua buah kategori yaitu kategori lagu terdahsyat dan penyanyi duo terdahsyat. Dalam kategori penyanyi duo terdahsyat, Anang-Aurel harus berhadapan dengan Anang-Syahrini.
Tentu Anda penasaran siapa saja para musisi yang masuk dalam nominasi tersebut. Berikut adalah daftar nominasi Dahsyat Awards 2011:
1. Jangan Memilih – Anang & Syahrini
2. Ya Sudahlah – Bondan & Fade2Black
3. C.I.N.T.A – D’Bagindas
4. Baru Aku Tahu Cinta Itu Apa – Indah Dewi Pertiwi
5. Geregetan – Sherina
6. Aku Padamu – ST12
7. Percaya Padaku – Ungu
8. Rasa Ini – Vierra
1. D’Massive
2. Geisha
3. Kotak
4. Nidji
5. ST12
6. Ungu
7. Vierra
1. Afgan
2. Andien
3. Mulan Jameela
4. Sandhy Sondoro
5. Sherina
6. Vidi Aldiano
1. Anang & Aurell
2. Anang & Syahrini
3. Bondan & Fade2 Black
4. Project Pop
5. Raffi & Yuni Shara
6. The Virgin
1. Alexa Key
2. Armada
3. Calvin Jeremy
4. D’Bagindas
5. Indah Dewi Pertiwi
6. Nikita Willy
1. J-Rock
2. Kotak
3. Project Pop
4. SKJ 94
5. SM*SH
1. ITC Cibinong
2. Kantor Pemadam Kebakaran, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Selatan
3. Kampung Pesing Poglar, Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat
4. Pabrik Boneka (Pt.Leo Korinsia),Bekasi
5. Pasar Kembang Rawa Belong
6. Sma Budi Luhur Ciledug, Tangerang
1. Ade Namnung
2. Denny Cagur
3. Franda
4. Jessica Jessi
5. Laura Basuki
6. Marcell Chandrawinata
7. Olla Ramlan
8. Tiffany
Nominasi-nominasi tersebut dapat dipilih langsung oleh Anda dengan cara mengetik sms dan dikirimkan ke 6288 (Rp.2000/SMS).
Sedangkan Nominasi berdasarkan pilihan dewan juri adalah:
1. Afgan – Bawalah Cintaku
2. Alexa – Andai
3. Andien – Moving On
4. Lyla – Magic
5. Maliq & D’Essentials – Terlalu
6. Marcell – Peri Cintaku
7. Mulan Jameela – Cinta Mati III
8. Nidji – Tuhan Maha Cinta
9. RAN – Karena Kusuka Dirimu
10. Vierra – Rasa Ini
1. Arumi Bachsin – Marcell(Peri Cintaku)
2. Lukman Sardi – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
3. Manu – SheilaOn7 (Hari Bersamanya)
4. Marcell – Marcell (Peri Cintaku)
5. Pevita Pearce – Vidi Aldiano (Cemburu Menguras Hati)
6. Raihanuun – Kahitna (Mantan Terindah)
7. RAN – RAN (Karena Kusuka Dirimu)
8. Saira Jihan – Afgan (Bawalah Cintaku)
9. Shanty – Shanty (Waktu Takkan Mampu)
10. Sherina – Sherina (Geregetan)
1. Abimael Gandy - Vierra (Rasa Ini)
2. Angga Dwimas Sasongko - LYLA (Magic)
3. Angga Dwimas Sasongko – RAN (Karena Kusuka Dirimu)
4. A.N.G.G.Y – Afgan (Bawalah Cintaku)
5. Dibyo – Maliq & D’Essentials (Terlalu)
6. Fajar Bustomi – Marcell (Peri Cintaku)
7. Hanung Bramantyo – Nidji (Tuhan Maha Cinta)
8. Riyo Wardiarto – Alexa (Andai)
9. SIM F – Andien (Moving On)
10. Tepan Kobain – Mulan Jameela (Cinta Mati III)
1. Triad
2. Alexa
3. Gruvi
4. Nine Ball
5. Lyla
6. Armada
7. Pee Wee Gaskin
8. Indah Dewi Pertiwi
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anda punya masalah dengan virus-virus indonesia atau lokal yang banyak beredar saat ini, yang mungkin saja anda dapatkan dari pc teman , warnet atau dimana mungkin anda bisa coba anti virus Download Anti Virus lokal Gratis Smadav 2011 Rev. 84 ini.
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Smadav dibuat dengan tujuan untuk membersihkan dan melindungi komputer Anda dari virus-virus lokal yang banyak menyebar di Indonesia. Smadav juga mempunyai banyak fitur lainnya mungkin lengkapnya ada bisa klik di http://www.smadav.net/
Link download Smadav 2010 disini
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Monday, 24 January 2011
Hot Body Beatiful Actress Maria Menounos
Make no mistake about it: Maria Menounos is a woman of many talents. Aside from being a host on Access Hollywood and guest starring in hit shows like One Tree Hill, the girl is so down-to-earth. So much so that she shared a past secret of her own: she used to be an unhealthy size fourteen!
Now, Maria's slimmed down to her happy weight and she's feeling better than ever. Fitness met up with her to create an exclusive video showcasing the moves that Maria swears by. Pair it with four additional hour-long cardio segments per week and you're sure to see results!
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