Wednesday 28 October 2009

Halloween Costumes: Get Inspiration From Celebrities

Don't know what to be this Halloween? Get some inspiration from these sassy stars dressed to the nines on previous Halloweens ... See the full slideshow on

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Cara mengecilkan perut

Bagi anda yang mengalami masalah pada perut yang besar dan buncit semoga tips Cara mengecilkan perut agar perut anda menjadi lebih ramping (six pack) ini beguna dan mendatangkan manfaat bagi yang membutuhkannya. Karena perut yang besar sangat besar mempengaruhi penampilan seseorang, apalagi orang itu membutuhkan penampilan yang Ok. Contohnya seorang sekretaris ataupun seorang foto model. Tetapi inti dari latihan dibawah ini adalah disiplin, karena tanpa disiplin semuanya akan menjadi sia-sia. Nah latihan yg perlu dilakukan adalah:

-.Sit up (Latihan untuk otot perut bagian atas)
Duduklah dikarpet lalu tekuklah kaki ,Silangkan tangan di dada
Kencangkan perut , lalu turunkan badan ke bawah, tahan sebentar, lalu kembali ke posisi semula. Jangan melakukan gerakan sampai punggung menyentuh lantai.
Lakukan gerakan dengan perlahan dan terkontrol. Saat kembali ke posisi awal otot perut tetap dikencangkan dan rasakan tekanan pada otot perut saat posisi badan mendekati paha. Untuk repetisi sen bisa coba 15-50 kali tergantung berapa loe sanggup tapi untuk set I tidak usah terlalu banyak.

-.Leg raises (Latihan untuk otot perut bagian bawah)
Berbaringlah di bangku datar dan tangan berpegangan pada ujung bangku dibelakang kepala anda. Dengan posisi kaki sedikit bengkok, angkat kaki sehingga membentuk sudut 45 derajat. Tahan sebentar lalu perlahan kembali ke posisi semula. Usahakan agar kaki tidak menyentuh bangku.

-.Side to side (Latihan untuk otot perut bagian samping)
Berdiri tegap dengan kedua tangan memegang dumbbell. Posisi tangan lurus di samping badan. Perlahan-lahan gerakkan tubuh ke kiri sampai otot samping perut merasakan tekanan. Tahan sebentar, kembali ke posisi awal. Perlahan-lahan gerakkan tubuh ke kanan sampai otot samping perut merasakan tekanan. Kembali ke posisi awal. Saat tubuh bergerak ke samping jaga agar tubuh tetap tegak dan tidak membungkuk atau condong ke depan. “Hati hati jangan terlalu capek dan hindari beban terlalu berat, karena apabila terlalu berat bisa menyebabkan cedera pada pinggang.”

Lakukan secara teratur aja 3 gerakan tersebut dan plg cocok di lakukan sebelum dan sesudah bangun tidur or sore hari juga boleh, dan jgn lupa jaga pola makan kita jgn terlalu banyak dan jgn pula terlalu sedikit yg penting mengandung karbohidrat,lemak dan protein perbanyak pula makan buah dan sayur paling ga tiap 3 sampe 3,5 jam musti ada makanan yg masuk ke perut.

Dengan melakukan semua tips cara mengecilkan perut diatas dengan penuh disiplin mudah-mudahan anda akan merasakan hasilnya dalam 1 bulan pertama. Ok selamat mencoba!

Monday 26 October 2009


FOTO HOT SYUR JULIA PEREZ MABUKJulia Perez's not his name if he did not spit sensuality! Approximately uttered so many people today. Action showing off its beauty body often showed when he was filling the show.As happened recently at a night club in the number of Surabaya. Damian Perez's ex-wife was waddle on stage accompanied by the din of music progresiv. Artist owner of this sexy breasts

Sunday 25 October 2009


FOTO CIUMAN MESRA ANDI SORAYA DAN FERLY PUTRAHere you can find profiles Andi Soraya, a new girlfriend pictures Andi Soraya Andi Soraya intimate photos with his new BRONDONG, all of Andi Soraya.Andi Soraya has a new girlfriend. Yes this time a new girlfriend Andi Soraya, a young man, aka BRONDONG, who was younger than she. Andi Soraya, who was born in Jakarta, dated June 18, 1976 admitted that he

Friday 23 October 2009

Manfaat Suntik Vitamin C

Bagi anda yang berniat melakukan suntik vitamin C ada baiknya anda mengetahui ttg Manfaat Suntik Vitamin C dan efek yang ada sesudah suntik vitamin c itu. agar mendapatkan hasil dan efek yang optimal serta menjaga dari hal-hal yang bersifat akan merugikan diri kita sendiri. Berikut Faktanya.
  • Melakukan Suntik vitamin C memberikan kadar cukup tinggi di dalam darah, tetapi jumlah tersebut akan diserap ke berbagai organ dan hanya sebagian saja yang sampai ke kulit, sehingga efektivitasnya pun dapat bervariasi pada setiap orang.
  • Agar mendapatkan hasil maksimal pada kulit, tindakan suntik vitamin C seringkali digunakan sebagai terapi tambahan dari perawatan kulit lainnya. Sedangkan untuk perawatan dan peremajaan kulit agar tetap kenyal dan mulus, sampai saat ini yang mampu memberikan hasil maksimal adalah terapi topikal (terapi dari luar seperti halnya pemberian krim kulit pagi dan malam).
  • Mencukupi kebutuhan akan vitamin C bisa dilakukan dengan mengonsumsi langsung buah-buahan, suntikan, dan suplemen. Ketiganya mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Melalui suntik vitamin C tubuh dapat memperoleh dosis tinggi langsung ke dalam darah. Hanya saja, tidak seluruh vitamin C dosis tinggi itu akan terserap oleh tubuh. Sisanya akan tetap terbuang melalui urine. Sebaliknya, meski dosisnya tidak tinggi, dengan mengonsumsi makanan atau buah-buahan yang kaya vitamin C, tubuh mendapatkan vitamin dan nutrisi lainnya (seperti vitamin E dan A) yang dapat memperkuat kerja vitamin C. Suplementasi vitamin C memang sebaiknya diberikan secara kombinasi dengan vitamin dan nutrisi lainnya.
  • Sebelum anda melakukan suntik vitamin C, sebaiknya pastikan bahwa fungsi ginjal dan hati pasien normal, serta tidak ada riwayat alergi terhadap vitamin tersebut. Fungsi ginjal dan hati sangat berpengaruh pada penyerapan vitamin C.
  • Jadwal Suntik vitamin C dengan dosis 2-5 gr lewat intravena (pembuluh darah), dapat dilakukan seminggu sekali atau dengan jarak interval lebih lama (bergantung pada penilaian dokter). Tak ada patokan khusus, apakah perlu dilakukan secara paket atau tidak, melainkan akan dilihat kebutuhan dan indikasinya.
Hasil penyuntikan vitamin C akan bervariasi pada setiap individu. Terapi sebaiknya dihentikan bila muncul efek samping atau bila hasilnya tidak cukup signifikan. Efektivitas terapi dapat dilihat dari kulit yang lebih kencang, kenyal, dan cerah setelah mendapatkan terapi ini dalam waktu tertentu.
  • Vitamin C cukup aman digunakan oleh sebagian besar orang. Kalaupun ada, keluhan yang biasanya muncul adalah diare dan kembung. Kekhawatiran bahwa pemberian vitamin C dosis tinggi dapat menimbulkan batu ginjal pun tidak relevan karena banyak laporan ilmiah membantahnya. Terapi dengan vitamin C tidak menyebabkan pembentukan batu ginjal. Bahkan pemberian sampai 10 gr per hari tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda pembentukan batu ginjal.
Walaupun begitu, setelah disuntik vitamin C dosis tinggi, seseorang dianjurkan untuk banyak minum. Perlu diketahui, keberadaan vitamin C dosis tinggi dalam tubuh dapat mengganggu penyerapan zat nutrisi lainnya, seperti selenium (salah satu unsur mineral yang penting untuk tubuh), dan copper (enzim penting untuk penyerapan zat besi), sehingga tubuh pun perlu mendapatkan tambahan suplemen zat-zat nutrisi tersebut untuk mengatasinya.

Semoga informasi yang saya berikan di atas berguna bagi anda yang ingin melakukan suntik vitamin c di kemudian hari. wassalam. :)

Beautiful Thai-Chinese singer: Susu

Thai-Chinese singer Susu (苏素) has now made the successful transformation from fashion magazine model to singer. Before, she only had singles and Extended Play (EP). In fact, Susu used to be a member of the national swimming team’s reserve team, before she was discovered as a model for her outstandingly slim build.

Thursday 22 October 2009



Rahmaa Azhari or full name Rahma Syahidah Azhari, born 17 September 1981, known as the star model and soap opera actress. He is one of eight brothers 'families celebrities' Azhari, who is known for full sensation and controversy.

In this section of women historically have contained a fetus that was not known when his father, because it was public knowledge Rahma was not married. Labor was finally walking on the 'exile', which is far from the reach infotainment.

The reappearance of the Oceans Camilla's mother was, followed later marriage to a businessman Alfay Rauf on June 10, 2003. However, their marriage tip of the problem, since the father Rauf, Nurman Diah revealed that children born Rahma at the time, not the fruit of the marriage with his son.

In the midst of his family's circumstances, relationships and Rauf Rahma increasingly involved in the case of taper after a fight at Blowfish,Jamsostek tower, Sunday (4 / 11) morning at 02.30. Rahma claimed seven attacked by her husband's friends. Rahma result should be treated in hospital.

As a result of the beating incident, Rahma sued her husband for divorce, Rauf on November 12, 2007. And on February 13, 2008, bearing the official Rahma widowhood. While child custody, Raisya, was under the care Rahma, because Raisya not the biological son of Rauf.

At the end of November 2008, appeared the photographs Rahma exciting and hot with her sister, Sarah Azhari on the internet. Rahma and Sarah is currently being reviewed the authorities relating to supply photographs of their exciting on the internet freely. In this case, finally Sarah Azhari reported Roy Suryo to the police due to the Rahma and her reputation was stained by Roy statements in several media.



Singer who soared to the single Let Sex, Aura Kasih, admitted if he had never questioned the sexy image that is always attached to it. On the assumption that he is a figure of satisfying her lust, her full name Sanny Aura Syahrani firmly refused.

When encountered by the event's birthday DEFEATED, Aura which appears white with a transparent fashion to explain, that sexy image is a professional obligation, without artificial. "I'm what the course, the problem is not fashion contrived, just very simple, people want to say sexy or something, not nothing," he said.

Meanwhile, about the assumption of many that he intentionally spit her sexuality, as a hot girl with the title, the virgin who had been associated with Ariel Peterpan was denied. "visits had meant anything, did I make a movie like in 70s, I think if I do not deserve exactly like that, but if you say sexy okay," he said.

Aura Kasih is a newcomer singer in the Indonesian music scene. Virgin birth Bandung, February 23, 1988 released her first album, MALAIKAT PENGGODA in 2008. Miss Indonesia 2007 finalists represent the province of Lampung Marii Bercintaa favor songs on her first album. This song is known by a single dance-hall.

Aura had reportedly close to the vocalist Samsons, Bams Samsons, also with Pasha Ungu and Ariel Peterpan. Although it denied the girl who starred in the film helped ASMARA dua DIANA released in December 2008.

Glee Stars on the Cover of Entertainment Weekly

Check out the new cover of Entertainment Weekly featuring the stars of the hit Fox musical-comedy Glee!



After some hot pictures and exciting few celebrities disseminated on the Internet, now turn photos Bungaa Citraa Lestarii being in a bikini on a beach being covered.

Two photos Bungaa entering adult sites is being used Bungaa red bikini and photos while being massaged Bungaa look back with no clothes on.

We confirmed that, through the manager Bungaa admitted cared less. According to manager Bungaa, Bungaa do on the beach, which is a reasonable place if people dressed like that.

"That's the image again on the beach, wearing a bikini is very reasonable. Why be a problem? That is in place," explained manager Bunga answering reporters' questions.

Some time ago, once said that Bunga his camera in which there are photographs of her private collection was lost when borrowed by a friend. According to her, could be a collection of photos in it that was on the beach in Bali in March, was recorded on camera.

Exhausted and tired after work, on vacation can be one option to refresh the brain. And actress / singer Bunga Citra Lestari pretty much admitted to choose a vacation to the beach than mountain.

"I prefer the beach than the mountains because of the cool and made good sport," Bunga said when met at Birthday Gong Show, Carnival Beach Ancol, Friday (12/06) last night.

Interest is also nicknamed BCL acknowledges prefer the beach because it is more like the atmosphere. Moreover, he was not able to do anything if you go to the mountain.

"If the mountain does not have to be done," said Pernahh Mudaa chanter who was on honeymoon in the Maldives where he could leave all the attributes of this Television work.

Then where BCL favorite tourist attraction in Indonesia? "I love the beach Bali Bali because people more ignorant than men Jakarta, could be an ordinary person," she said.



Julia Perez have a big breast. Everyone know that.

Julia perez known as the sexy artist. In each photo is available on the internet, Julia perez always posing in hot and sexy pose.

Julia Perez was born with the name Yuli Rachmawati in Jakarta, July 15, 1980. Star is nicknamed Jupe began her training by working as a secretary in a private company and the opportunity to continue education in the Netherlands.

Acquaintance with the male model Damien Perez (Yusuf Perez) who later became her husband, opened his first opportunity to appear as a model for FHM and Maxim magazine in France. Peak in the 2002-2003 stars often look sexy and becoming known in the country through soap CINTA LOKASI, KOMEDI NAKAL. Julia Perez was nominated for the sexiest women 100 FHM magazine and Maxim.

Jupe, now living in Indonesia and many of whom starred in soap operas, Maafkan aku, KEJAR MAYA and a number of product commercials.

In addition to acting in soap opera world, began reaching the world Jupe pull votes. In April 2008, she launched her first album, with hit singles KAMASUTRA Belah Duren. This debut album is provoked public controversy, because Jupe provide free condoms for buyers album. Even her first album was to provoke protests and bans her appearance in some areas.

Currently the artist has just completed the section HANTU movie JAMU GENDONG Indika Entertainment production. As for the sexy image is attached to it, his role in this film demands Jupe beradegan sexy.

Mid-February 2009, Jupe become artist of the most highly sought site because of personal sexy pictures circulating on the Internet. In the photos that circulated on the internet, Jupe sexy posing either alone or with friends.

Related to his home life with Damien, in the early 2009 began to waver. This was triggered by a player near the ball Jupe with Brazilian Persiba Gaston Castano. Even in early March 2009, was Jupe seemed intimate with doing the holidays with Gaston on a beach.

Although the divorce process with Damien finished, Jupe had dared to be frank with Gaston in public. Without the facade together they pose a photocall in a men's magazine published in the capital of Cape Berung, Ujung Kulon, the beach wearing.


FOTO HOT MEY CHAN PAKAI CELANA DALAM|UNDERWEARPhoto Hot Wear Underwear Mey Chan who will split time this was discussed a lot more crowded media gossip artist. May Chan And never stumble too exciting photo scandal when a kiss with Caucasians some time ago.Maia personnel are dismissed if the photo on the bed it was him. Malang musician was even said in reply naughty girl picture that there is no


FOTO MEGGY Z MENINGGAL DUNIA Legendary dangdut singer,Meggy Z died in Hospital Margonda, Depok at 23:30 Wib on Wednesday (21/10).The last moment, Meggy Z accompanied his wife and children and families according to the narrative, he had been ill for a long time due to heart disease.Currently Meggy Z bodies have been interred at the residence of his old wife in Cipayung.Chanter song "Sakit Gigi"

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Yang Mi

Yang Mi (born September 12, 1986) is a Chinese actress. She is best known for her portrayal of "Guo Xiang" in the 2006 television adaptation of The Return of the Condor Heroes and "Tang Xuejian" in the television adaptation of Chinese Paladin 3.Yang is a student at the Performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy.

Monday 19 October 2009

The Box-Office Beat

See what movies made the big bucks this weekend at the box office ... 1 - Where the Wild Things Are: $32.5 M2 - Law Abiding Citizen: $21.3 M3 - Paranormal Activity: $20.2 M4 - Couples Retreat: $17.9 M5 - The Stepfather: $12.3 M6 - Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: $8.1 M7 - Zombieland: $7.8 M8 - Toy Story: $3.0 M9 - Surrogates: $1.9 M10 - The Invention of Lying: $1.9 M

Menghilangkan kantung mata

kantung mataNah mungkin bagi yang mengalami masalah yang satu ini yaitu kantung mata-nya kelihatan sembab, kendor pasti mau tahu cara menghilangkan kantung mata tersebut. Kantung mata memiliki warna hitam yang melingkar dibawah mata pasti merasa gak percaya diri untuk bertemu dengan orang lain? Yang jelas penampilan kita menjadi sedikit terganggu karena masalah kantung mata ini.

Pendapat dari salah seorang ahli Marianne O'Donoghue, MD, peneliti dermatologis di Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center,Chicago, Amerika Serikat, yang menyebabkan timbulnyanya lingkaran hitam pada mata adalah karena mata terlalu capek, alergi, terkena sinar matahari yang berlebihan, menstruasi dan kehamilan.

Dia juga memaparkan bahawa faktor turunan genetik mempengaruhi timbulnya kantung pada mata. Jika orang tua Anda memiliki lingkaran hitam pada mata, maka kemungkinan Anda juga akan mengalaminya.

Sering kali bundaran hitam yang terlihat bukan kulit yang menghitam tetapi aliran pembuluh darah. Itu terjadi akibat lapisan kulit di mata sangat tipis, maka pembuluh darah bisa terlihat dan menimbulkan kesan lingkaran hitam. Lingkaran akan terlihat lebih jelas bagi Anda yang memiliki kulit terang. O'Donoghue mengungkapkan biasanya lingkaran hitam pada bawah mata disebabkan hiperpigmentasi, yaitu kadar melanin lebih tinggi dari rata-rata. Melanin adalah substansi yang memberikan warna pigmen pada kulit.

Cara mencegah dan meminimalisir lingkaran hitam pada mata ada dua hal yang bisa Anda lakukan. Pertama gunakan pelembab kulit yang mengandung SPF (sun protection formula) pada lingkaran bawah mata, minimal 15 tetapi lebih baik jika mengandung SPF 20. Gunakan setiap hari saat Anda keluar rumah, untuk melindungi kulit di sekitar mata dari sengatan sinar matahari.

Dan pilihlah foundation dan bedak yang juga mengandung SPF antara 6 hingga 8. "Perlindungan berlapis akan lebih baik bagi kulit disekitar mata mengingat strukturnya sangat tipis," Nah untuk lebih mantap lagi dari pada hanya teori selanjutnya silakan anda praktekan sendiri di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. OK

Sunday 18 October 2009

Tang Yan

Tiffany Tang Yan (December 6, 1983) is one of the rising stars in China. She graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing in 2006, majoring in "art of performance." She was regarded as the most beautiful woman in the college that time and also be recognized as a new rising star in the Chinese entertainment world. Recently, she is a signed entertainer and actress in the Beijing "

Saturday 17 October 2009

Jenny Chu

Tags : sexy asian | sexy girl | Jenny Chu | asian models | asian babes | asian hotties | asian girls | beautiful asian

Kang Hye Jung, Han Chae Young and Heo Yi Jae

Korean drama “Girlfriends” revolves around three women who fall for the same guy.Tags : Kang Hye Jung | Han Chae Young | Heo Yi Jae | asian models | asian babes | asian hotties | asian girls | beautiful asian

Qory Sandioriva Princess of Indonesia 2009 Gallery

The Miss Indonesia Or Putri indonesia 2009 Qory Sandioriva from Nangroe Aceh born at 19 Agust 1991Many people of indonesia made some exception about some decission that she made about Not Wearing Jilbab at the putri indonesia Content and the Chariman of Puteri Indonesia Association, Mooryati Soedibyo Comment that all of Indonesian People not to extended problemsMooryati mention that in this

Friday 16 October 2009

Kerja keras adalah energi kita

Hallo semua apa kabar, bagaimana hasil kerja keras anda hari ini? Karena Kerja keras adalah energi kita, marilah dengan semboyan Kerja keras adalah energi kita kita mengembalikan energi kita lagi dan untuk mengapai cita-cita bersama. Kali ini saya ada sedikit cerita yang di alami oleh rekan kita yang saat ini menduduki ranking no 1 di kata kunci "Kerja keras adalah energi kita" Berikut ceritanya yang di terjemahkan ke bahasa Bengkulu.

Ado SPBU kecik punyo Pertamina tempeknyo di dekek jalan tanah patah yang galak ambo tengok banyak antrian kecik pas lewat saat ndak ke kantor. Pas suatu hari ambo ndak ngisi premium di spbu itu tu, memang ambo belum dapek giliran ngisi, sayo masih nunggu empek motor didepan ambo. sekilas sayo tengok penjago SPBU caknyo kelita`an, sempat ambo tengoknyo dia mengusap keringat di keningnyo. “kecapekan pasti dio tu” dalam ati ambo.

Dak lamo udem itu ado motor besak nyelonong 2 antrian didepan motor ambo. Padahal la sopan la tukang SPBU tu ngomong, katonyo "maaf dulu pak yo ngikut antri dulu di belakang motor bapak skuter warno putih tu na' da tu lanang yang di kecek`i nyo tu mane kek penjago SPBU tu. Tapi apo yang terjadi? salut ambo nengok penjago tu dio sabar meladeni bapak tu dan masih jugo meladeninyo. Udem tu bapak motor besak tadi nyadar jugo balik lha dio keantrian lagi.

Nah sekarang giliran amboo lagi yang di layani kek petugas tu, ramah nian orangnyo. Nyo nyapa ambo cak iko "ndak kemano pak?" nha inilah ruponyo salah satu pelayanan yang di berikan oleh pertamina untuk memanjakan konsumen ruponyo. Jadi kejadian yang tadi tu dapek ambo simpulkan kerjo kere dari penjago SPBU yang ramah nyopo konsumen bisa ambo katokan bagian dari Kebesaran Jiwa Pertamina Indonesia.

Jadi sayo harap pas mengemas produk hasil olahannyo cak premium di maksimalkan pulo dalam hal servis kek pelanggan, cak kejadian diatas tu. Jadi orang tu kelak jadi nambah yakin dan percayo kek semua hasil produksi dari Pertamina. Ok sepertinya cukup sekian dulu sekilas pandang saya tentang pertamina, semoga pertamina kedepannya semakin JAYA di UDARA. (emang perusahaan pesawat)



Artist Dewi Persik is a very good artist to make the controversy, the latest action picture Dewi Persik Aldi Taher intimate together with firing a kiss. Dewi Persik kiss practice exactly what he had in practice Dewi Persik the former husband Saiful Jamil. the scene took place when launching Dewi Persik Newest movie "Tusuk Kuntilanak" in Senayan Plaza, Jakarta.

After the show was Dewi Persik Letting Hot Kisses and lots of media colleagues also entertain Dewi Persik foster children themselves know with their own eyes when Dewi Persik does Kissing with Aldi Taher.

Known for Dewi tembang Bintang Pentas. Persik own name given by his manager, Mr. Yogi, that shines like the fruit of his career in China persikk regarded as the fruit of good luck. Soap operas ever starring among others Dewii maniss Mimpii and Legendaa eps. Nyi Ronggeng. Dewi career but not always smooth. Famous Dewi rocking start gergajinya criticized the actions of seronok stage, and minimal clothes and tight. The climax is when Dewi after filling a birthday event that was held in the TPI Istora, January 23, 2008. Dewi's breast suddenly touched by a man. At that time Dewi wearing a white tank top with a black strip. Before touching breasts Dewi, the man stole idle breast images with the camera phone goddess at this busy section pedangdut interviewed. Dewii breast incident that became public consumption is not the first place. In the year 2005, thanks to sway too 'hot' in a show SCTV, Dewi breasts protruding part. The incident lasted only a few seconds.

Year 2008 also be the year "ban" for Dewi. The first local government clutch performances in the region is Dewii Tangerang City Government. Ban was intended to avoid a social crisis and related to Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 8 Year 2005 on the prohibition of prostitution in the area.
Following Tangerang, Bandung Mayor also stated grabbed Dewi Persik and also artists rocking too much (invite lust). Then several other local governments to follow such as, Mayor of Depok, South Sumatra MUI,
Sukabumi Regent, Regent Probolinggo, and Mayor of Balikpapan.

Unfortunately, Dewi comments about it instead pencekalannya escalating atmosphere. Dewi consider these bans to curb his freedom and that is part of character assassination and slander against him. Even then delivered Dewii Persikk 'challenge' to sue the people who were on the table memfitnahnya law. Not only that, even throwing Dewii pitched sentence 'threat' to the mayor of Tangerang. Ban controversy that lasted for days on the media attention from Adhiyaksa Dault Affairs and Minister of Women Empowerment, Meuthia Hatta. Even Menpora Goddess was called to ask her introspection. Before long, Goddess plead guilty and make mistakes, although he still will not change the erotic sway.

Not only the appearance of the harvest stage Dewi controversy, movie premiere, Tali Pocong Virgin also considered too indulgence in private parts and leads to pornography. But Dewii argue that all the money ends.

Thursday 15 October 2009

FOTO CIUMAN Cinta Laura Kiehl dan Bule


Not so long infotainmen news, now picture the Cinta Laura Khiel intimate kissing with her lover named David Ricard circulating on the Internet.

There are two images showing the lovers were kissing lips.Apparently, the image of two people who were the love, like the picture they took in a room.

Previously, had established Cintaa Lauraa love with a soap star Marcell Darwinn. Unfortunately their relationship ended because Cintaa the then 14-year-old could not compensate for claims dating style-old Marcell 17 tahun.Anehnya, with Davidd, Cintaa the now 15-year-old did not hesitate intimate kissing.

Herdiana confirmed that the woman in the photographs were indeed his daughter. The photos were taken about a year ago when Love was preparing filming Oh ... Baby.
Bule guy next to love, she said, was a close friend Cinta. Herdiana told, when it Cinta not want to repeat many kissing scene in front of the camera. Therefore, learn kissing Cinta behind the camera with such close friends.
"Rather than have to retake several times during filming, Cinta learning (kiss) while joking in front of my friends and crew. At that time there was a shooting, "said Herdiana.
"Love and the albino guy who was opponent in the movie Oh ... Baby, also my friends and film crew, still laughing," she added. Once the filming took place, no longer rigid Cinta when do kissing.

For Herdiana, the spread of the photographs was not Cinta kissing should be taken seriously. He also did not want her daughter's activities disrupted because of the news side. Moreover, the current soap opera player on Air Mata Cinta RCTI .it was preparing a new solo album with Sony BMG. "Next week should be Cinta already entered a period of preparation of the new album," said Herdiana.

In October last year, admitted Cinta Laura serious relationship with a man named David Richard Caucasians are also classmates. Open confession because it conveyed Cinta jealous lover. "A lot of guys who deketin me that he (David) did not like. And he said, you know wrote to the people if we are going together, "she said.

While Herdiana considered as a close friend of David Cinta. Herdiana therefore not thought that his daughter's wedding. "Whoever Cinta girlfriend, aunt thought they were close friends [who are not really going out]. So do not try to ask marital problems, they were little, "she said.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


FOTO BIKINI TIKA PUTRI..HOT..Tika Putri suddenly comes with a hot story around him. A few days ago the Internet was suddenly decorated with lots of hot bikini photos of sexy Tika Putri. As one of Indonesia's young stars on the rise, bikini photos of this Tika Putri cash just become a public concern because the artist cast in the film Jagad X Code is included Indonesian artist who has a beautiful

Monday 12 October 2009



Dewi Persik has full name,Dewi Murya Agung, was born in Jember, East Java, December 18, 1985. She is a dangdut singer who soared through the 'rocking the saw', which is similar to the rocking motion of the saw back and forth.

Persik own name given by his manager, who hoped his career shone like a peach, the fruit from China that are considered good luck. In addition to the couple's daughter H. Mochammad Aidil and Hj. Sri Muna also have Chinese blood from his grandmother.

Besides his profession as pedangdut, Dewi Persik also starred in MIMPI MANIS soap opera, the soundtrack was quite known to the public.

Dewi Persik is dangdut singer married Saiful Jamil on June 26, 2005, but their marriage age only run less than two years. On January 14, 2008 North Jakarta Religious Court declared them divorced.

These couples divorce road running enough 'ins and outs', which filed for divorce in August 2006 Saiful, several times a fruitful decision to refer. But that decision did not last long, it conflicts both 'is widening', although problems still remain the same, namely the goddess dress that is too open.

Post-divorce Saiful, Dewi Persik go through life as a singer with a full beam. Appearance of 'the brave' to provoke protests by many parties, even some of the singer grabbed the big screen movie TALII POCONGG PERAWANN it.

However Dewi comment about the likely ban 'bold' are deemed to be escalating atmosphere. Dewi claimed his freedom constrained by the ban-ban and considered as character assassination and slander against him. Even when the goddess told 'challenge' to sue the people who were on the table memfitnahnya law.

Until then Minister of Youth and Sports, Adiyaksa Dault, reminding intervened directly by telephone. Not only that, this man with a mustache related advised appearance. Get advice, Dewi plead guilty and make mistakes, although she still will not change the erotic sway.

Dewi been proposed by a mixed northern Germany and the Malays, Ferry Farid Yusuf Mansyur, who lived in the Netherlands. The plan in December 2008 Dewii will soon end with the widow of a man converts it.

But eventually the relationship Dewi and Ferry also failed. In fact, the famous Dewi Persik with this sensational news eventually do with the players memploklamirkan soap, presenter and singer, Aldi Taher. Before the Ferry, Dewi never preached Aldii dating, but both Aldi and then Dewi denied this news. But now, Aldi and Dewi ready to step into marriage.

End of February 2009, Dewi reported admission to hospital due to a miscarriage. Finally, the mystery of the relationship between Dewi and Aldi. Apparently they have done siri marriage on July 4, 2008.

Siri marriage but it could have problems. Even while they had parted. During the separation, Dewi is said to have spoken with Ferry. But ultimately these couples argue and say that they have been legally married to avoid fornication.

Problems with the former assistant, Asep not finished, go back preached Dewi Persik have a problem with another former assistant. Andi, a former assistant Dewi feel the pain of unilateral dismissal by the Goddess. Even the wife reportedly was doing Aldi Taher terror with death threats against Brenda.

In akting world, it seems this Aldi's wife wants to establish itself as a horror special player. Since recently, playing in the movie goddess TUSUK KUNTILANAK.

Unfinished legal issues related to problems with the former assistant, Asep, this time the goddess had to deal with the law again. Goddess Azalia Aifah reported, it is said people have been deceived.

Finally, the dispute decided by a court Asep won by the Goddess. However, again unlucky ketiban Goddess. Because it is never said to the media if he pays lawyers and team Elza Syarief, Elza is offended because he defended without pay Dewi finally resigned as a lawyer Dewi.

Not only the lawyers left, Dewi seems to swallow the bitter pill because my husband left two times. This time her husband, sued for divorce Aldi Taher chanter Hikayat Cinta on Tuesday (29/09/09) in the PA West Jakarta.



Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi will come to Indonesia, like the lack of artists only. Or is because they feel the quality of the writing is not so famous ride from this Japanese Porn Star filmya entitled to Menculikk Miyabii sells in the market.

Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi is a hot film artist from Japan who successfully follow in the footsteps senior, Carera Asia has retired from the world of pornographic movies. Maria Ozawa is now the most sought after artists and popular among artists other heat in Asia.

Miyabi's success in the world 'slime' could not be separated from his desire to be successful women. Although in some occasions the interview he admitted it difficult to pornographic scenes with men who are not known.

Like, artists and movie stars other Japanese hot, Maria Ozawa joined in a specialist production house pornographic films or commonly called AV. Last few years Miyabi was in a specialist production house sex violence such as rape and sexual harassment.

Maria Ozawa beautiful face obtained from a combination of the original beauty of Japanese mothers with Mr. derived from French and Canadian descent.

Maria Ozawa was educated at the International School makes a broad and her social English skills to be better.

The most favorite hobby is playing hockey, every day he played hockey disekolahnya. Maria Ozawa also loves to cook, and play games Playstasion in his room.

Maria Ozawa Miyabi often on call at birth in Hokkaido, Japan on January 8, 1986. With 1.62 meters in height and 48 kg weight makes it look beautiful and innocent.

At the age of 13 years, she was a lover of the color Pink has his first sexual experience. At that time he had sex with her boyfriend first 4 years older than she. Of note in his personal blog age of 19, Maria Ozawa has done with 6 men, four of which were his girlfriend.

At that age, Maria Ozawa has mastered the 48 sexual positions he learned from adults who bought the magazine itself.


FOTO HOT|SYUR AYU WANDIRA (PUTRI INDONESIA 2008)Latest news about Hot Photo Finalist ayu Wandira Puteri Indonesia 2008 representatives of Central Sulawesi again much discussed by the Indonesian public. lately it seems Putri Indonesia contest was again full of controversy cases.The case has not been finished off the jilbab Qory Sandioriva, this time the case actually comes hot photo ayu wandira

Saturday 10 October 2009 gambar porno

gambar pornoAnda hobi lihat yang hot-hot? pasti biasa mencari di google dengan kata kunci atau web porno mungkin juga gambar porno dan foto hot ? tulisan ini saya buat karena keyword di atas sangat laku di kalangan pengguna internet. Jadi penggemar hal-hal yang memang sudah wajar menurut saya nih, tapi wajar dalam batasan tertentu selain umur dan status yang memanfaatkannya. Contoh kalo orang yang dah menikah atau umur yang cukup.

Sepertinya ini lah efek negatif dari kemajuan zaman di era internet ini. Mungkin untuk menghalau semua itu tak akan bisa, karena pepatah yang tepat untuk itu yaitu patah satu tumbuh seribu. Hari ini di blok satu situs pada hari ini besok 1000 situs baru yang sejenis muncul. But bagi admin blog/web kalo hanya untuk promosi webnya keyword tersebut boleh juga tuh di gunakan hitung-hitung tarik visitor. Gimana ada yang tertarik untuk menggunakannya ?

Nah untuk sedikit penghalang bagi anda yang memasang internet dirumah pribadi dan mungkin anak anda sering menggunakan internet, coba gunakan program ini yang berfungsi untuk menyaring situs situs panas agar gak bisa di akses.

Jadi kesimpulannya kembali kepada pribadi dari masing-masing insan itu sendiri. Benar ga? Selamat mencoba bila ada yang tertarik. Salam hangat :lol:

Friday 9 October 2009



Nikita Willy is a young acting star of Indonesia, who has starred in several advertisements, soap operas and feature films. She began publicly known for her role in a soap opera with actors ROMAN PICISAN from Papua, Evan Sanders.

Women born in Jakarta, June 29, 1994 is starting a career since the age of seven through BULAN BINTANG soap opera. Followed soap operas such as ROMAN PICISAN, SI CECEP.

While the advertising model, she has become a model for the candy ads Milton, Citra Body Lotion, Pigeon cosmetics, food Choki-Choki, detergent Total, Holland Bakery, Bank BNI, Bank BII and Roma chocolate wafers.

BESTFRIENDS movie star players? have the opportunity to play early stripping sinetron 2009, NIKITA. Soap operas directed by Maruli Ara and Gita Asmara, she must be acting with the actors against Dude Harlino.

She again used as the main actor in the soap opera stripping latest in September 2009, SAFA Dann MARWAH. Here, he again had to play as a character much older than actual age.

Intensive activities makes Nikita Willy should be extra careful to keep his stamina. However, he already has a way to overcome that quickly is not tired and weak. This young star admitted often consume vitamin C and diligent exercise.

"Most preparations to health supplements so I do not get sick. But when you're so tired I just asked my mom to injection of vitamin C to the doctor. Well after injection, the body was re-fit," said the star of this soap opera Nikita.

Met on the set in Studio Persari, a few days ago, she revealed that consumption of vitamin C in a way that does injection safe by doctors. Especially in the teenage years, she had the necessary intake. "Let me be healthier and not limp," she said.

However, as a general note, there is no medication and vitamins can be consumed around, all should be in accordance with the procedures a health professional. Nor did she. Felt it was appropriate because the standards, he was not afraid that they would be addicted.

"No, because I wear it (consume, red) wrote tired fit again. Not necessarily once a week I was injecting vitamin C," she said.

"But I also took the sport or to the gym even once a week let rada tight body," she continued.

Yui Horie

Yui Horie (堀江 由衣, Horie Yui, born on September 20, 1976) is a popular Japanese singer and voice actress. Horie's real name is Yoshiko Horie (堀江 由子, Horie Yoshiko), and she is sometimes affectionately nicknamed "Hocchan" (ほっちゃん) by her Japanese fans. She is not to be confused with YUI, another J-Pop singer.She hosts a radio show called "Horie Yui no Tenshi no Tamago" (堀江由衣の天使のたまご, "Yui Horie's

Qory Sandioriva Puteri Indonesia 2009

Representatives from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Qory Sandioriva named Puteri Indonesia 2009 in elections conducted in the Land Theater Fatherland Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Friday (9 / 10).

Qory able to put two competitors who entered the three major Zukhriatul Hafizah (West Sumatra) which eventually had to settle for being runner-up, as well as Ayu Isti Pratiwi (North Maluku) became Runner-Up II.

Before the big three memsuki round, first ten finalists chosen selection of Puteri Indonesia (PPI) in 2009. Of the ten finalists, will be filtered again five finalists for the fight gelar Puteri Indonesia 2009 through the interview process.

The big 10 finalists who had set aside the other 28 finalists from 33 provinces in the country that is Qory Sandioriva (Aceh), Zukhriatul Hafizah (West Sumatra), Sarinah Princess Aria (South Sumatra), Natalia Hermanto (DKI Jakarta 4) , Coreana Agashi (DKI Jakarta 6), Audrie Adriana Sanova (Banten), Maya Nita (West Java), Nadia Zahara (East Java), Isti Ayu Pratiwi (North Maluku), and Tien Arisoi Virginia (West Papua).

The jury members who provide an assessment on the night grand final is Director of Education Department of Education Equity Triyadi Indonesia Dr., Director General of Marketing Department of Culture & Tourism Dr. Sapta Nirwandar, Deputy Improving Quality of Life The Women's Ministry Setiawati Dra MSc, Sutanto Kusumadewi beautician , Miss Indonesia 2005 Nadine Chandrawinata, Director of the Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa Baskoro Annie Savitri, Garuda Indonesia President Director Emirsyah Satar, and Chairman of Graduate Studies Program Management Sciences, University of Indonesia Dr. Zakaria Afiff Adi MBA. election event was also attended by Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez from Venezuela.

Qory Sandioriva Puteri Indonesia 2009 Biography:

Born | Jakarta, 17-08-1991
Age | 18
Education Last | Semester 1 UI Department of French Literature
Jobs | Student
Hobi | --
Achievements | Champion of Vocal & Band Al-Azhar Indonesia
1 Fighting Champion Pencak Silat
Achievements | now become PRINCESS INDONESIA 2009


FOTO HOT FIVE V DAN MARCO BULETrends in northern artist's boyfriend was rampant at the moment. After Julia Perez, Andi Soraya, Nana Mirdad, artists often look sexy Five V had become one of the perpetrators.Five V currently going through severe fire romance with Psenner Markus, was born in Italy. Five V were admitted relationship with the man nicknamed Marco has gone on for six months.Why Five V



Cinta Laura is soap star who birth Quakenbruck, Germany, August 17, 1993.Cinta Laura who has full name is Cinta Laura Kiehl began his career in the entertainment world as a finalist Indonesia Top Model 2006.

One of the jury selection event is Sanjay Maulani, a casting director at MD Entertainment. Cinta immediately offered to play any soap opera.

Daughter of Michaell Kiehll and Herdiana, SH was finally accepted an offer to become the main star in the soap opera production CINDERELLA MD Entertainment.

Uniquely, the first four months, instead of shooting Cintaa, but got Indonesian courses, plus an acting exercise. Cintaa it's known in several countries, following his father's place of duty as General Manager of Hotel Grand Hyatt.

CINDERELLA soap was introduced Cinta to the Indonesian public. Until finally Cinta SCTV Awards rewarded with popular actress category in 2007. In the event that he defeated his rivals among others Marshanda, Shireen Sungkar, and Nia Ramadhani.

Cinta which has height 170 cm tall and weight 44 kg was too busy with teaching English to children less fortunate.

July 2008, the court Cinta has case with MD Entertainment. This production house is considered suing Cinta violates labor contract. After undergoing several trials, finally mid-December 2008 the court decided Cinta guilty party and should bear the compensation of material and non material is Rp 1.716.406.000 or agreements that have not been implemented.



Revalina S Temat was born in Jakarta, 26 November,26 1985 (23 years old) is a model player and Indonesia soap opera. Princess couples and Sayutii Tematt this Rachmaniarr soared after starring in soap operas "Bawang Merah Bawang Putih".

Children to 3 of 4 brothers began his career as a champion favorite cover girl contest elections in 1999, later extended to the model and soap operas and feature films.

In 2006, Reva, so familiar call, try out the big screen with starring Pocong 2. In this film Pocong 2, Reva act as Maya, a woman who met daily with pocong, even have a boyfriend pocong.

Revalina had a relationship with a man of Arab descent, Kemal Idris, and the Cendana family members, Panji Trihatmodjo, son of Bambang Trihatmodjo. Their relationship did not last long.

Revalina S Temat name is known for his roles in soap operas and movies-starring roles in feature films. But now lover Ringgoo Aguss Rahmann also expanded into the world of drag votes.

"For me this new experience, there's no harm in trying," said the actress was born in Jakarta, 26 November 1985 that when asked his choice to pull the world to cultivate votes.

Revalina that he usually called, was joined by Intan Nuraini, Melanie Putria, and Asmirandah in compilation release titled Ramadan "SANG PENCIPTAKU VOL 2". And the album was produced by Rossa, Reva was also creating his own song.

"Yes I sing one song on this album and it was his own creation. Usually, I created the song not only personal experience, but also the experience of people, even one I created that song about street children, many still inspiration," she explained.

Thursday 8 October 2009

James Franco to Guest-Star on General Hospital

So, okay forgive me … Things have been super-busy lately, so I’ve ignored the whole Letterman scandal, and let you read it elsewhere (even though I've been following it myself like a fiend.) And I haven't dissected all the new Fall TV shows yet ... And I've neglected to chitchat about silly little gossip ... like the fact that Katie Holmes lets Suri Cruise wear heels. But I can't let this one

Angelica Lee

Angelica Lee Sin-Jie (Chinese: 李心潔, Hakka Pinyin: Lee Sin Chet) is a Malaysian Chinese film actress and pop singer. She started her career in singing and later moved on to acting in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Lee starred in The Eye, the hit Asian horror film by the Pang Brothers, winning her the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Festival and a Hong Kong Golden

Wednesday 7 October 2009



Luna Maya star started his career as a catwalk model, then develop themselves in the role of art, whether movies or soap operas. Achievement prominence as a model is chosen as the Star of Lux 2006.

Film titled debut, 30 HARI MENCARI CINTA (2004), where in the movie, Luna Maya antagonistic role as Barbara, a pretty girl idol and sexy. Although a small role in the movie, Luna is considered successful.

Luna returned a year later involved in the film BROWNIES (2005). As in the previous film, the film director is Hanung Bramantyo, Luna still had a small role. Luna had a major role, starred as the ward 13 (2005) to portray the character Mina.

The name Luna getting bounced in the entertainment industry, as films play a role in CINTA SILVER with Rima Melati and Catherine Wilson.

Even in 2006, through the film managed to deliver himself ROOM nominated Indonesian Film Festival Best Actress category.

Students majoring in International Relations University of Paramadina also starred in several soap operas including, Dan, KAU dan aku.

Luna's latest film titled IN THE NAME OF LOVE Soedjarwo director Rudy.

Luna is the icon of a product's sponsor Beijing Olympics, a chance to carry the Olympic flame around Istora 2008. This activity as part of a ceremonial trip to the Olympic flame to Beijing.

In addition to the world active in entertainment, Luna is also doing business in the field of fashion, by opening a boutique called LM Hardware in Bandung and Jakarta.

Luna also star shine even more this year 2008, because Luna towed one of the ambassadors of electronic products, Toshiba, and also became an icon

On November 27, Luna opened the barber shop business GLORY NEW HAIR 1 in Kemang Jakarta No.2B Unit 3. One of the stock when he was no longer existed in the world of entertainment.

Beginning in December 2008, Luna returned a relationship with a former boyfriend, Ariel Peterpan, the widower status after a divorce from Sarah Amalia on May 27, 2008.

Luna growing steadily stepped in the entertainment world. His name is increasingly flying after becoming the presenter of music show on RCTI DEFEATED which appear every day with the artist Raffi Ahmad and Olga Syahputra.

Not only in acting and presenters who he struggled, but Luna also tried pulling the vote. Together with artist Dewi Sandra Dewi Sandra and he contributed his voice for the Euro 2008 theme song.

Luna had preached had been married to Ariel in Bali in April 2009. Suddenly alone, he grew hot, because in fact he was not married at all.

Despite many rumors hit his life, but made his career getting stuck. He was even more determined to demonstrate his voice to the public. Along with Raffi Ahmad, he donated the song's sound Olga Syahputra, Ghost (Shattered My Heart). He also gets to fill his latest movie sountrack, JANDA KEMBANG (2009) on the track Suara (Ku Berharap) duet with Dide Hijau Daun.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Peter and Vandy

As anyone who’s ever been in love can tell you, it’s a slippery slope from “We’re head over heels in love!” to “We’re fine.” Peter and Vandy takes us through the relationship of a young New York couple – just not in chronological order. Most movie romances end when the relationship is beginning. Peter and Vandy’s love story goes much further than that. The story shifts back and forth in time,

The Box-Office Beat

Blood, guts, and flesh ruled at the box office this weekend. The comedic flick Zombieland, starring Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg, took the top spot. Spaghetti tornadoes, burger blizzards, and 3D meatballs from the sky fell into second place. See what other big-budget flicks made the big bucks on the big screen ... 1 - Zombieland: $25.0 M2 - Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: $16.7 M3 -

Video Mesum madonna bersama atlet bisbol

madonnaSiapa yang tidak mengenal artis mancanegara yang satu ini. Madonna, dari namanya aja dah keren apa lagi kalo melihat Video Mesum madonna bersama atlet bisbol secara live....pasti sangat menarik bener gak ? rupanya beredarnya video mesum Madonna dengan seorang bintang bisbol terkenal AS, Alex Rodriguez. Inilah yang diperkirakan menjadi titik pertikaian yang berujung niatan bercerai, sang suami.

Video mesum Madonna dengan bintang New York Yankees itu telah beredar luas di AS. NYTimes, menyebut jika seorang pria pemilik kaset video tersebut mengaku rekamannya berisikan adegan saat Madonna berpesta dengan Alex di sebuah apartemen.

Kabarnya, apartemen itu digunakan pasangan itu untuk melakukan kencan rahasia di sore hari. Di situlah, laki-laki yang kemudian disebut sebagai kamerawan itu mengambil gambar dengan sembunyi-sembunyi.

Pengacara Madonna sendiri menyatakan mereka memperhatikan klaim kamerawan tersebut. Tapi, mereka tak hendak berkomentar. Sementara sejumlah ahli hukum menyebutkan tak ada bukti kuat bahwa kaset video itu memang ada.

Namun, pengakuan kamerawan itu muncul pada saat yang sama sekali tidak tepat bagi ratu musik pop berusia 49 tahun itu. Dia dihajar berbagai isu bahwa dirinya memiliki hubungan khusus dengan Rodriguez, pemain New York Yankees yang mendapat julukan A-Rod itu. Selain itu, perkawinannya dengan sutradara Inggris, Guy Ritchie pun kini berada di jurang kehancuran.
Madonna sendiri secara terbuka membantah dirinya terlibat semua itu. Dia bahkan setuju untuk mendukung suaminya pada premier filmnya, Rock Rolla di London. Dia juga berencana akan bersama Guy Ritchie saat merayakan ulang tahun ke-40, 10 September mendatang.

Alex Rodriguez sendiri menyebut jika dirinya memang pernah bersama Madonna di sebuah tempat. Mereka memang berdua tapi tidak ada hubungan asmara di antara mereka. “Aku tidak ada apa-apa dengan Madonna, semuanya berjalan seperti teman,”sebut Alex, atlet yang berposisi di baseman dan memiliki bayaran cukup tinggi. (persda network/.bud)

Rekaman Seharga Rp14 Miliar
SEKEDAR tambahan, video mesum bintang bisbol AS, Alex Rodwiguez bareng Madonna ternyata memiliki nilai jual tinggi. Bagaimana tidak, si pemilik rekaman tersebut siap menjual untuk konsumsi umum video ‘porno’ pasangan itu seharga 1 juta pound atau sekitar Rp14 miliar lebih.Sang kamerawan mengaku, rekaman itu diambil dua bulan lalu di sebuah apartemen milik sahabat Madonna. Dia mengenal sahabatnya itu karena sama-sama pemeluk keyakinan Kabbalah.

Kamerawan yang juga sahabat pemilik apartemen itu mengaku, dia secara rahasia memasang kamera tersembunyi di ruang keluarga. Kameranya diarahkan ke sofa yang ada di ruangan itu. Menurutnya, rekaman itu menunjukkan superstar pop itu melampiaskan nafsu seksualnya dengan Rodriguez di sofa ruang tamu.

Mendengar dari kisah cerita diatas sepertinya dapat kita simpulkan kalau artis ngetop satu sungguh butuh kehangatan dari laki laki, ayo ada yang tertarik untuk menjadi tempat pelampiasan nafsu sang diva PoP ini ? heheheeee