Thursday 14 October 2010

Health affliction as an able moment

In an interview on WISN TV 12 Milwaukee Kleefisch said that if national health care reform had been, in effect "when I went in & had my blood tests completed, & I had to wait six months to receive a colonoscopy or a CT scans, I can't tell you for sure I would be sitting, here doing this interview."

Recently, Lt. Gov. Candidate Rebecca Kleefisch revealed that she had undergone successful treatment for colon cancer. In interviews describing her ordeal, Kleefisch praised the state medical insurance plan she has through her husband, who's a state legislator, but took the chance of press attention on her disease to bash national health care reform.They are therefore, very concerned that Rebecca Kleefisch used the public attention she has rightly received due to her bout with colon cancer to deceive the public about health care reform. As a matter of fact, national health care reform will guarantee most Wisconsinites the same access to life saving screenings & treatments that Kleefisch received through a state insurance plan provided to legislators.

They are very glad to listen to that Rebecca Kleefisch got the crucial tests, she needed to detect her colon cancer early, & get successful treatment. They think it is important for every Wisconsinite to have the same access to lifesaving screening & treatment that Rebecca Kleefisch received through the medical insurance plan provided to state legislators. In fact, one ought to not must be a state legislator, or married to a state legislator, to get timely access to high quality health coverage.
In addition, because of nationalhealth care reform half a million Wisconsinites will have access to private medical insurance like state legislators & their families get. The Wisconsin state worker plan, which includes state legislators, is very similar to the nationalhealth care plan that will be available in 2014. Under the state worker plan, enrollees choose every year between competing private designs with good benefits. This is very similar to the statehealth care exchanges created undernational health care reform. Undernational healthcare reform people will have the chance choose from competing private medical insurance designs, like state legislators & other state employees do today.

The new health care reforms that went in order to affect on September 23rd require that all medical insurance designs cover preventive care & screenings without co-pays or deductibles. This assures that all Wisconsin families with medical insurance coverage can get the same screenings & treatments that Rebecca Kleefisch received through the Wisconsin state worker plan.

The truth is that national health care reform will guarantee to most Wisconsinites the same life saving screenings & treatments that Rebecca Kleefisch received. Kleefisch's own story, then discrediting reform, powerfully illustrates its value. This episode is a "teachable moment" which exemplifies how important the new health care law is for the people of Wisconsin.

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