Saturday, 3 July 2010

BCL disappointed by the circulation of videos like ariel and BCL..

BCL atau Bunga Citra Lestari singer song 'Sunny' which has been rumored to also have the same case with Luna and Cut Dancing with exciting scenes in the video along with singer paterpan. He's very, very disappointed with the video with ariel gossip circulating in the community of Manado and on Internet2.

Saturday at Hall Sarbin, Plaza Semanggi (South Jakarta) Bunga Citra Lestari is often referred to as the BCL is very, very passionate when interviewed by journalists and many who visit the mall orangpun also interrogated the BCL sama2 join this.

BCLpun respond to the questions that exist, "Why would anyone who could equal me?, Whereas all just gossip and no truth. I am very disappointed with the video I gossip spreader with ariel ", so says the artist singer song 'Sunny'. And with the word aloud BCL said:" Gossip is not true and sy sangat2 disappointed with the gossip makers "

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